In the upcoming weeks, some new things will be happening here. If you look to the top of the site, you'll notice the words written in red... at this very moment- that's all they are words. But, if in reading them, you are moved by the thought that they represent, and actually do something about it, they become a powerful source. We, every single one of us can do something to make this world a better place.
That being said, here are some of the little things you are bound to notice:
First, I'll be revisiting a case that has haunted me, in hopes that someone might be moved into action. I'll be bringing back older posts, adding new information and asking you all to do whatever you can to help in getting the word out. I know that a lot of regular readers tend to be on the quiet side... but please feel free to offer any thoughts you may have on the case, or ideas you might have. That's the best thing about blogging- getting a fresh look at someone else's thoughts on a subject. For those of you interested in getting a head start on the story, may I suggest a google search on Ashley Lyn Howley?
Secondly, I've got a few cases simmering on the back burner that I can not actually write about as of yet. However, despite my inability to write on them... I can post on them. Therefore, you are likely to see a few guests spots here on Lost In Lima Ohio. These posts will be written by people involved in the cases, and will be published with the strong hope that we can be moved enough to do something. I'll be adding my own thoughts to them in separate posts... so, you'll still get your daily dose of Lilo's attitude.
And lastly, I've asked blogging buddy Home Sweet Home to help cover the next To Catch A Predator- Florida edition, hoping that our schedules permit. I can't for the life of my recall the date it will be airing, at least not at this moment... but details will be forthcoming as soon as I have them. I'm not even really sure exactly how it'll work out as of yet... so although she doesn't know it yet... we're likely to have to have a few practice runs. Thankfully, she visits here often enough- I'm sure she'll see this bit of important info. Anyone with ideas on how the best way to do this would be... feel free to let me know.
Categories: Misc
That being said, here are some of the little things you are bound to notice:
First, I'll be revisiting a case that has haunted me, in hopes that someone might be moved into action. I'll be bringing back older posts, adding new information and asking you all to do whatever you can to help in getting the word out. I know that a lot of regular readers tend to be on the quiet side... but please feel free to offer any thoughts you may have on the case, or ideas you might have. That's the best thing about blogging- getting a fresh look at someone else's thoughts on a subject. For those of you interested in getting a head start on the story, may I suggest a google search on Ashley Lyn Howley?
Secondly, I've got a few cases simmering on the back burner that I can not actually write about as of yet. However, despite my inability to write on them... I can post on them. Therefore, you are likely to see a few guests spots here on Lost In Lima Ohio. These posts will be written by people involved in the cases, and will be published with the strong hope that we can be moved enough to do something. I'll be adding my own thoughts to them in separate posts... so, you'll still get your daily dose of Lilo's attitude.
And lastly, I've asked blogging buddy Home Sweet Home to help cover the next To Catch A Predator- Florida edition, hoping that our schedules permit. I can't for the life of my recall the date it will be airing, at least not at this moment... but details will be forthcoming as soon as I have them. I'm not even really sure exactly how it'll work out as of yet... so although she doesn't know it yet... we're likely to have to have a few practice runs. Thankfully, she visits here often enough- I'm sure she'll see this bit of important info. Anyone with ideas on how the best way to do this would be... feel free to let me know.
Categories: Misc
Next Dateline 'To Catch a Predator' is Wed. May 10.