A teenage boy, not even old enough to drive was convicted of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. According to court records, the boy pulled a semi-automatic handgun on a 14-year-old acquaintance during a marijuana deal.
I think most of us agree that this boy was convicted of a crime, and should receive some type of punishment. He not only committed a crime, in attempting to rob someone, he was already committing a crime by participating in a drug deal. Add to it that he pulled a gun out, and well- let's be honest- he's no "misunderstood angel".
However, despite my belief in tough punishment- I think this one may just be going over the line by a few miles.
Are we punishing the boy or rewarding a paedophile? I can't imagine anything worse that serving a child up to a known child molester, while enclosed in a cell with minimal protection. Just who is the idiot behind this?
I'm not defending this young boys actions, I'm not saying that he shouldn't be punished... all I'm saying is that it's a bit odd for the state to step in and offer him as desert for some sicko.
Categories: predators, molesters
I think most of us agree that this boy was convicted of a crime, and should receive some type of punishment. He not only committed a crime, in attempting to rob someone, he was already committing a crime by participating in a drug deal. Add to it that he pulled a gun out, and well- let's be honest- he's no "misunderstood angel".
However, despite my belief in tough punishment- I think this one may just be going over the line by a few miles.
His first cellmate was his 16-year-old codefendant. He was later moved into a cell with Quinton Fisher, who, according to court records, pleaded guilty to two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one count of having carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 15.
Are we punishing the boy or rewarding a paedophile? I can't imagine anything worse that serving a child up to a known child molester, while enclosed in a cell with minimal protection. Just who is the idiot behind this?
I'm not defending this young boys actions, I'm not saying that he shouldn't be punished... all I'm saying is that it's a bit odd for the state to step in and offer him as desert for some sicko.
Categories: predators, molesters