For whatever topic you might find yourself interested in, there is likely at least one blog dedicated to it. There are political blogs, humor blogs, news blogs, blogs on books, and my personal favorite- crime blogs.
Steve Huff, the mastermind behind Huff's Crime Blog, and best known for being one of the very first (if not the very first) blogger to focus solely on crimes, and the criminals that commit them; has defined a "crime blog" as follows:
Every week, the writers behind some of the best crime blogs around get together to share the stories that have captivated them, and then present the stories to you through our weekly carnival. This week, I'm pleased to have the honor to host our Carnival of the True Crime Blogs. So, sit back and read a few of the stories that we've been working hard on.
Harding of T.O. Crime has been covering a story of grandparents that never should have been, and the child that suffered at their hands, in his entry- Grandparents Grimm.
Laura James, the talented writer behind Clews, takes a closer look at the 1968 murder of Sally Mercer, and the doctor who called himself her husband- in The Cold Case Against Dr. Mercer. According to investigators, chances are Dr. Mercer took the vow "till death due us part" a bit to seriously, and opted to make his wife's death come a bit quicker.
Laura's also done a bit of a mini carnival of her own this week, offering a peek at some of the localized crime blogs, and she's made up a rather impressive list of them- in The Buzz on City Crime Reports.
Trench over at The Trenchcoat Chronicles has updates on the Toby Kerns trial, in his aptly named entry - Yet Another Delay in the Kerns Trial.
Trench also does a magnificent job in tracking the daily crimes involving online communities such as Myspace, Xanga, and LiveJournal, on his MyCrimeSpace blog. For those of you wondering just when the other online communities will start cracking the whip at online pedophiles... I suggest reading his post on Xanga.
Missing and Murdered Children has the details on two Indiana brothers taken at knife point from their home.
Southern Sass has more than a few words on what seems to be Blind Justice when it come to women sexual predators.
Home Sweet Home has the news on a Missing child, Murdered Mother.
Crime Scene Blog has new information on the person of interest in the Daytona Beach murders.
Tina, over at Randomized Drivel keeps the stories coming at her new address, and presents a sickening case of severe neglect of a child in her entry Rat Bites Result in Neglect Charges.
I'm also lucky enough to have the pleasure of introducing you to the newest crime blog in our group- Crime Rant, by crime writters Gregg Olsen and M. William Phelps. Their first post, Defending True Crime or Hate Mongers Love Me is a must read, and if it's any sort of a preview for what is to come... then I'm sure Crime Rant will quickly become a link in your favorites box.
Please take a moment to head over and welcome these fine writers aboard.
And with that, this week's Carnival is complete. I think.
This carnival will be posted on the TTLB Uber Carnival, past Carnivals can be found at Blog Carnival, and if you're interested in joining in future Carnivals, information can be found here on how to join the True Crime Blogs Blogroll.
Categories: bloggers,
Steve Huff, the mastermind behind Huff's Crime Blog, and best known for being one of the very first (if not the very first) blogger to focus solely on crimes, and the criminals that commit them; has defined a "crime blog" as follows:
A personal website that may provide regularly-updated links to news articles about (typically) "high-profile" crime. A CRIMEBLOG may also include additional independent research, commentary, and speculation by the author about the news story.
SEE ALSO: Websleuthing.
Every week, the writers behind some of the best crime blogs around get together to share the stories that have captivated them, and then present the stories to you through our weekly carnival. This week, I'm pleased to have the honor to host our Carnival of the True Crime Blogs. So, sit back and read a few of the stories that we've been working hard on.
Harding of T.O. Crime has been covering a story of grandparents that never should have been, and the child that suffered at their hands, in his entry- Grandparents Grimm.
I’ve spoken at length about the horrible abuse they inflicted upon little Jeffrey Baldwin. [See previous story, here]. There is not much more I can say about it. Sometimes, thinking of Jeffrey and what he suffered is too much to bear, and it causes one deep depression to know that people can be so cruel.
Laura James, the talented writer behind Clews, takes a closer look at the 1968 murder of Sally Mercer, and the doctor who called himself her husband- in The Cold Case Against Dr. Mercer. According to investigators, chances are Dr. Mercer took the vow "till death due us part" a bit to seriously, and opted to make his wife's death come a bit quicker.
Sally Mercer's death investigation was reopened by a cold case squad nearly ten years ago and included exhumation and a second autopsy. So far, local investigators are mum about the details of the prosecution's theory of the case, and the judge has clamped down on pretrial publicity, though it hasn't stopped the lawyers from speaking about the case. It appears that Dr. Mercer will posit that the original autopsy findings were correct -- his wife died of polio, not violence or poison or whatever it is that the prosecutor will contend took her life.
Laura's also done a bit of a mini carnival of her own this week, offering a peek at some of the localized crime blogs, and she's made up a rather impressive list of them- in The Buzz on City Crime Reports.
Trench over at The Trenchcoat Chronicles has updates on the Toby Kerns trial, in his aptly named entry - Yet Another Delay in the Kerns Trial.
It’s been a long and winding road to trial for Marshfield teenager Tobin “Toby” Kerns, but attorneys from both the defense and prosecution are hoping a July status hearing will be the end of the line.
Kerns went before Judge Louis Coffin once again Thursday in Plymouth Juvenile Court, where another pretrial hearing was set for July 17.
Trench also does a magnificent job in tracking the daily crimes involving online communities such as Myspace, Xanga, and LiveJournal, on his MyCrimeSpace blog. For those of you wondering just when the other online communities will start cracking the whip at online pedophiles... I suggest reading his post on Xanga.
Missing and Murdered Children has the details on two Indiana brothers taken at knife point from their home.
The two abductees are Collin J. Walker, a 4-year-old white male and Monte L. Walker, a 2-year-old white male.
The alleged abductor is Katron Lance Walker age 32 years.
Southern Sass has more than a few words on what seems to be Blind Justice when it come to women sexual predators.
Woman have fought for equal rights, equal pay, and respect. Because of great women in the past, I can choose to stay at home or go out and get a job. I can vote. I can marry or stay single. I have all the rights afforded to me, just as any male walking the earth. Why do the scales of justice still seemed to be tipped in my favor?
Home Sweet Home has the news on a Missing child, Murdered Mother.
Alejandra and her mother, who has not been identified, were from Mexico. They were renting a room in another person's home. Sunday the person who was renting the room to her, checked in her room and found the 23 year old woman dead from a stabbing. The baby was missing.
Crime Scene Blog has new information on the person of interest in the Daytona Beach murders.
Police have a new person of interest concerning the investigation into the murders of LaQuetta Mae Gunther, Julie Ann Green and Iwana Patton. But this suspect is not new to police or even to murder.
Tina, over at Randomized Drivel keeps the stories coming at her new address, and presents a sickening case of severe neglect of a child in her entry Rat Bites Result in Neglect Charges.
A fifteen month old boy was placed in the custody of Social Services this past Thursday after it was found he had 100 or so rat bites on his body.
I'm also lucky enough to have the pleasure of introducing you to the newest crime blog in our group- Crime Rant, by crime writters Gregg Olsen and M. William Phelps. Their first post, Defending True Crime or Hate Mongers Love Me is a must read, and if it's any sort of a preview for what is to come... then I'm sure Crime Rant will quickly become a link in your favorites box.
At the risk of sounding myopic (elegant enough word for you, Marilyn?), not to mention blackballed when I decide to write crime fiction, I am appalled by the ignorance crime reviewer Marilyn Stasio displayed in her review of Brian McDonald’s Safe Harbor: A Murder in Nantucket (June 4). To paint true-crime with such a broad brush (the language of true crime is so inelegant it seems to dishonor the dead?) is to slap the faces of Tommy Thompson, Jack Olsen, Joe McGuiness, and other legends of the genre. Why is it a reviewer with Marilyn Stasio’s talent, intelligence and reputation feels the need to wrap her arms around hundreds of nonfiction crime authors working exhaustively at their craft, in order to justify her opinion of one book?
Please take a moment to head over and welcome these fine writers aboard.
And with that, this week's Carnival is complete. I think.
This carnival will be posted on the TTLB Uber Carnival, past Carnivals can be found at Blog Carnival, and if you're interested in joining in future Carnivals, information can be found here on how to join the True Crime Blogs Blogroll.
Categories: bloggers,