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Ivan McKinney

Ivan Mckinney had to have been able to see a troubled kid coming from a mile away, after all- he is a former after school counselor, it was his job to be able to spot those that may be a little vulnerable, a little more in need of attention, those that come from a more troubled home than others may. His job required him to spot those kids, reach out to them, and provide them the assistance they needed.
Investigators now believe that it was those same skills that enabled him to reach out to kids and victimize them.
McKinney was charged with multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault to reflect different alleged sex acts, as well as endangering the welfare of a child and providing alcoholic beverages to minors.

McKinney's case is a interesting one, and a scary one at best. It starts with the former counselor having two girls over to his apartment on June 5th. During that encounter, he gave the girls Brandy, and then proceeded to sexually assault one of them while the other was in a different room.
In the June 5 incident, police say the two girls left the youth home at 1 a.m. and called McKinney. At the apartment, he gave the girls soda and brandy, then had sex with the 14-year-old, who was later treated at Hackensack University Medical Center, Lomia said.

Police arrested McKinney a few days later after the girls reported what had allegedly occurred. Officers are investigating whether he sexually assaulted the 16-year-old on prior occasions, Lomia said. Clifton police also are calling on anyone with related information to contact them at 973-470-5259.

McKinney was arrested, and then released on $100,000 bond the the following day, and then because of no other explanation than that this man is a absolute danger, and a obvious predator on the prowl, he makes plans with two more girls, this time from Passaic NJ.
Rowan said one of the girls had run into McKinney this month on Main Avenue in Passaic. She told police that she had known McKinney two years earlier as a counselor in an after-school program at Lincoln Middle School, where she and the other girl are students.
Rowan gave this account of the Clifton case:

McKinney had given his cellphone number to the girl and made the shopping offer during the initial encounter this month -- police said the exact date was unclear. He met the girls near Passaic High School at 5:30 p.m. They shopped briefly, then stopped by a liquor store, where McKinney bough a bottle of Hennessy brandy and bottles of Corona beer.

About 7 p.m., he rented a room at a Howard Johnson hotel on Route 3 and the three began drinking. The first girl's friend became "totally intoxicated," and McKinney asked the teenager he knew from the after-school program to leave the room. He then raped and committed other sexual acts on the girl who remained.

Of course, McKinney has been arrested yet again, and now faces charges in this last case. He's being held on bail of $300,000- because well, clearly the whole idea of "bail" was such a success the first time, they evidently opted to give him a chance to do it again. Personally, I can't understand the whole idea of why bail should be available at all, but I'm sure that's just my stubborn mind putting the fact that he raped a teenager, bailed himself out of jail, and proceeded to rush his way over to rape yet another teenage girl over the apparent common sense that the judge must have had when they agreed to try this whole bail thing once again. After all, there has to be good reason. Right? I mean a judge would never ever put society in the position of having their safety endangered by letting some perv bail out unless it was with a really god reason. Right?
At this point, so far as I can find, McKinney has not yet bailed out. So, NJ is a tad safer for teenage girls for now.
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Ivan McKinney


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