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Just to set a few things straight...

Some of you are going to be so very lost on this post. But, without getting into exactly what reasons are currently behind this post, I felt I at least need to make a few things clear to some obviously confused people.

I'm Lilo- short for Lost in Lima Ohio. I'm not anyone else.

If you read it here, and it is not in blockquotes and it is signed by me- those are my words. Attribute them to me all you want.

I blog at a total of four places, including this one. If I say something here, I accept full responsibility for it, but it doesn't mean that it's seen as the finial word at the other places where I write. Hell, they might completely disagree with me, but you'll have to take that up with them.

I may blog other places, be a member of certain blogrolls, or even comment at other places. But this is still my home, and I'm still me. Not a "them", just a me- spreading my opinions as I see fit.

I don't do threats. It's just not my style. I may warn you that if you tread near my kids, it'll likely be the last treading you ever do- but that's not a threat, it's a warning. Sort of like the sticker on my door that indicates I live in a "armed house".

I don't "scare" people into doing anything. In fact, that's not my style either. Call me old fashion, but I prefer to inform and then allow people to react as they see fit.

Child molesters, rapist, pedophiles- (or whatever it is that you are calling yourself this week), are
not worth my time. I don't do anything against YOU- I do it FOR the children. You know, the ones that you would corrupt and abuse for your own deviant pleasure. They are worth my time, worth protecting, worth fighting for- you are just another detour on the road much like the people who shake a child to death, or beating them until they are bloody, or commit other atrocious abuses against children are a detour- something that presents a heinous bump in the road of life for these kids, and someone that I will willingly work to expose. But, it's not about you. It's about the children. It's about working to provide them with a better future, striving to protect them from those who would harm them.

Does that offend you? To be cast in with the lot of child murderers, child abusers, and child rapist? Well, it should. You can say all you want that you "love" children- but you are no different from the abusers. You use children as sexual objects, much like an abusive parent uses their child as a punching bag. The sad thing about it is how both get offended at the idea that the problem lies with them.

So, let's recap, and see if possibly this sticks with you:

I'm me. Just me.

My opinions are mine. They may or may not be shared by other people, but that's not for me to decide.

If I wrote it, I claim it; pin it on other people. And don't pin what they say on me.

Child "lusters" are demented, worthless scum of the earth- and I will continue to do whatever is possible to protect children from the likes of them.

Oh, and I don't threaten, scare or do anything else to make people obey my will. It'd be a nice super hero power- to be able to convince folks to abide by my every word... but alas I am no super hero.

If you have questions or concerns, or feel the need to double check something on this list- feel free to let me know. If I say something you doubt is true, or if you want better proof that what I have provided, let me know. And if you think that I should be credited with something that I didn't write, but you imagine I would agree with if I read it- instead of just rushing to say that that's what I think- freaking ask me. I'm not that difficult to contact. In fact, I'll even make it really easy, you can pop over on the right to that little chat box (it's gray and black) type in your questions anonymously and after I receive notice of a comment on there- I'll look it over and POST YOUR ANSWER HERE. How much easier can I make it for you? Or, if you're really concerned about something and want to have an actual conversation about it- it's lostinlimaohio at gmail dot com.


Anonymous said…
I'm almost afraid to ask what happened !!!! You ok??
Anonymous said…
I can vouch for a couple of things. I read here regularly, have corresponded by email quite often, and have known her for more than a year.
She is one person.
She says what she means (and quite well too) and she means what she says.
I have disagreed with her a few times, and find that she states her opinion, justifies why, and let's it alone.
She has never argued with me, attempted to change my mind, or tried to threaten me!
And one thing she does regularly, she sticks up for kids. Quite often and quite well! People who love kids tend to do that. I mean if they do actually love kids, they don't want to see them hurt- either physically or emotionally. Now I am not talking lust. I am talking love. Lust is different from love. Some people have difficulty understanding that. Of course some people have trouble understanding a lot of things.
Do you lust after kids? I suggest a cold shower. Or take a class, I believe some of the sex offender programs have some good ones. Or take up a hobby. I think one judge has recommended knitting. Climb Mt. Everest or go caving. But if you really do love kids, leave kids alone.
I used to be a kid. And I met someone like you once.

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