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Kevin Reilly

I was watching Dayside today, when they started talking about Kevin Reilly, a twice convicted child molester who has went through sexual offender treatment, and surgical castration. He now believes that since the surgery, he's "cured" of his pedophilia, no longer poses a threat to children so therefore should be released into society.
I was sort of busy as they were discussing this, and although I wanted to hear the whole story, my littlest wanted help doing something that took my attention away from it. Just as I was finishing up with the little one, they were starting to take questions from the audience. One guy spoke up, replying to the shows "guest" who must have been siding with Reilly, and volunteered his thoughts. The commenter mentioned that he had a dog who had been neutered, and yet that didn't stop the dog from trying to "hump every female dog he comes close too". The Dr. or whatever the guest speaker was, seemed a bit taken by this and sort of stumbled out a answer about how dogs are different then people or something along that line.

Interesting, because we know that there are many types of sexual predators. And, there are different reasons behind the assaults that they commit. If you take most rapes- its not about sex. It's about power, dominance, control, humiliating another person, anger, but very rarely is it really about sex. We tend to focus a lot on pedophiles, which only really defines the sexual attraction that a person has towards a child. But, often we forget the worst of the worst, those who are abusing children for the sheer pleasure they get from causing pain to a child. These aren't people acting out their sexual attractions, they are people acting out their anger, their need to control and dominate someone, they are attempting to show their power and strength, to intimidate and scare. For them, it's not really about sex, so how would castrating them do anything to reduce their urges to use rape as a tool to hurt another person?

And then, of course we get back to the dog. Let's face it, dogs are very basic creatures. Their purpose in life is not to fetch that stick over and over for you. They are meant to eat, sleep, and reproduce. It's nice that they can be taught to fetch, but it's really not their purpose. A male dog is inclined to reproduce with a female that comes within sniffing distance. For them, what they do really is about sex. There is no alternative motive, they want to reproduce. And yet, the commenter on the show has a very valid point, you neuter a dog and they are still likely to attempt to mate. They still have that breed into them. It's hard to think that someone who clearly couldn't get the small concept of refraining from molesting a child, is going to be deterred by a little surgery.

I'm not sold on the idea that Reilly no longer poses a risk to children. What's your thoughts on it? Castrated child molester fights for freedom

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Anonymous said…
I think the audience member had quite a point! And just because this creep has been castrated doesn't mean he wouldn't enjoy touching! It is not a cure-all! (I know I'm preaching to the choir, Lilo!)
Anonymous said…
Dogs will mount each other to show dominance or pack order.

Female dogs will mount males. It isn't sex - it's showing the other dog who's "top dog."
Anonymous said…
My sister-in-law has two dogs. One is a British bulldog, and the other is a Lab. They are both males, and both are neutered. I've watched them BOTH, try to "hump" other dogs, and even little kids (the bulldog, mostly). This is not out of sex, but out of dominance - to prove who is the alpha male. So even canines use "sex" as a power tool.
Anonymous said…
Sorry Farmer Flick - I posted before I read your comments. I hate when I do that.
Anonymous said…
Forget castration. That simply removes the means to reproduce (thank God in this "man's" case. Emasculation, on the other hand takes away the ability of sexual penetration. Unfortunately, I do not see some of these upstanding citizens being above using foreign objects.

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