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Let's set something straight...

I do not believe that all people who are sexually attracted to children act upon those desires. I also don't believe that all people who sexually abuse children are really sexually attracted to them.

That being said, I was reminded of a article written by Kenneth V. Lanning, Former Supervisory Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I've done so much reading on the subject over the last years, I had forgotten not the article, but where I had read it. Special thanks to AZ for posting it and refreshing my memory. It couldn't have come at a better time, as I have been pounding on the desk attempting to recall just where I had found some information.

The image you see is a chart, done by Lanning as a tool for deciphering situational molesters from preferential molesters (aka pedophiles). You may want to click it and look it over for yourself.
Although a variety of individuals sexually abuse children, preferential-type sex offenders, and especially pedophiles, are the primary acquaintance sexual exploiters of children. A preferential-acquaintance child molester might molest 10, 50, hundreds, or even thousands of children in a lifetime, depending on the offender and how broadly or narrowly child molestation is defined. Although pedophiles vary greatly, their sexual behavior is repetitive and highly predictable. Knowledge of these sexual-behavioral patterns or characteristics is extremely valuable to the law-enforcement investigator.

I find it utterly revolting any time I hear about the sexual victimization of a child. And frankly, whether you're a situational or preferential child molester- it's all on the same damn level of sickness.

But, let's stop pretending. Yes, it's true that not all paedophiles act out their desires, but a great deal do. Yep, heterosexuals do it too.

Let's think about that though. How many non pedophiles are there in the world? I'd day that there are a great deal more non pedophiles than pedophiles. Now, I'll be nice and throw a number out there, let's say HALF and that's being generous, of all pedophiles never act out their desires. In order for the heterosexuals of the world to be more accountable for the sexual abuse of children, then MORE than half of us would have to be committing sexual crimes against children. And, not surprisingly, we are not. Even if you throw the homosexuals in there with us, you still don't get over half of us committing these offenses.

Like those at AZ, I've grown tired of "the child lovers defense" that most cases of molestation are committed by heterosexuals, and I've grown very annoyed with recent comments that seem to do nothing but promote the ongoing agenda of a group that openly promotes the sexual victimization of children. Victims. Because, I don't care how well they pen it on paper- sexual contact with a child is not in the best interest of the child, it doesn't benefit the child, and despite their personal spin on adult child sexual relationships- it in no way can be compared to actual "love". Don't make me explain the difference between love, and lust.

Again, I'm not saying that all pedophiles are out to have sexual relationships with children, just like homosexuals and heterosexuals, pedophiles are completely capable of avoiding sexual relationships. Some even "settle" for relationships that enable them to have sexual contact with adults- although adults are not their preferred partner.

Pedophiles are also, just like the rest of us, likely to have beliefs against such things as child abuse, physical and sexual. Most people, regardless of sexual orientation have a strong repulsion to the idea of violent sexual acts against others. Even pedophiles. To be honest, a pedophile by nature is more likely to use a method of grooming and seducing a child, rather than physically forcing themselves upon one. Not that it doesn't happen- it's just less likely.

That being said, I do have to come around to pointing out a very serious matter. I've spent two days pondering just how to do this. It's not an issue that I enjoy bringing up, in fact I'd have preferred it to have not become an issue at all. Sadly, it has, and therefore I feel it is important to make a few points on it. Not in the attempt to offend anyone, although I am certain I will. But in an attempt to explain my thoughts on the issue.

Now, there are two groups of people who most regular readers are aware of, that happen to be involved in a very important something. I say something, because it's not really a war, since in wars the outcome can be favorable to either side, and I already know who is going to win this thing. It's not really a debate either, because in a debate both sides listen to each other and attempt to convince the other that they are right/wrong. In this case, neither side is really listening, and there is little chance of convincing. So, it's something. It's more of a line, being drawn to divide two sides of a very important question. A line showing our resolve to ensure the protection of all children from the sexual victimization by the other side. We will not allow the sexual abuse, whether it comes in the form of child pornography, child molestation, child rape, or anything along those lines. Not from a situational molester, not from a pedophile (preferential molester).

But this issue that has come to the foreground, has done more than just drawn a line between pedophiles and those who wish to fight the ongoing and ever increasing victimization of children. It's also begun to draw lines between people "on the same side".

I'm not going to divulge into the disagreements currently underway in the pedophile world. But what I am going to talk a little about the conflict growing between those often referred to as "antis", the side that does not favor sexual relationships between children and adults, the side that isn't approving of pedophiles acting out their desires.

' Hatemonger, rasist, close minded, arrogant. These are words I would personally use for them.'

A hatemonger is one who incites hatred of a group of people. I do not believe that the folks at AZ are inciting anything. They may be harsher in their views, stronger in their words and more vigilant in standing their grounds- but inciting hate? No. The dislike or hatred that exists is already present. Few people are favorable to the sexual exploitation or victimization of children.

A racist has issues with someone solely based upon the persons race. Not sexual desires.

Closed minded? Well, to be honest I don't believe there is very much give on this issue at hand. Nothing can be said to sway us into believing that adults should be allowed to have sexual relationships with seven year olds. However, I find this group of people open minded to the possibility that not everyone is acting upon their desires. So really, it comes down to exactly what the topic is about. But, as much can be said about the state of mind of the other side also.

As for them being arrogant, do they think they are perfect, without fault? No, I doubt they do. And I don't find it that what they really mean is that they are better than anyone else- they are just firm in their belief that they are right in their thinking. Again, the other side has the same belief, but personally- I'd have to say that the other side is wrong.

I'm very strong in my beliefs- and I'm sure that if you talked with anyone who had ever corresponded with me, they'd admit that I can be very straight lined and harsh in my thoughts about any form of child abuse. I don't see it as an issue of being closed minded, racist, arrogant, or a hatemonger. I see it as being dedicated, direct, persistent and steadfast in a desire to protect children from all sexual predators.

And I see AZ, although a bit more verbal in speaking their minds then some people, no more closed minded and arrogant than those promoting the sexual relationship between adults and children. It's two sides of a very important issue- the well being of our children.

Now, like I said, not all pedophiles are acting out their desires. Not all of them are promoting the idea of reducing, or worst yet, removing the age of consent. Some do promote the idea, some would like nothing more than to make sexual abuse legal. Some are preying upon the young. And I stand by those beliefs.

But I also stand by the belief that anti's are allowed to be just as blatant and just as verbal in their efforts to defend against the corruption of those pedophiles doing those things, as the pedophiles are in promoting their movement.

Declaring one side to be worse than the other based solely on the strength of their beliefs, rather than on the actual beliefs- is pardon me, bullshit. If my resolve to prevent you from ever being able to victimize a child is as compelling to me as your resolve to legalize said victimization is to you- the only difference between us is the line that divides us, not the firmness of our individual beliefs.

There is a lot more I wanted to touch upon in this post, in fact I spent hours researching different things out, and even writing many of them out. But, in the end- I sort of realized that this post was becoming more than a little wordy, and that instead of completely hashing out every thought that has come to mind... I'd just let it end at this comment:

I do not believe that being passionate, firmly resolved, and completely determined to hold fast to a personal conviction that children should not fall victim to those who wish to use them for their own personal sexual gratification, is in any way wrong.

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Anonymous said…
As I looked at the table I noticed at the top the words, "Not one or the other but a continuum". Implicit in that is the notion that any distinction between the two is a matter of degree, not one type versus another.
Anonymous said…
Great post!
Many child sexual abusers will tell you what they do is only beneficial to the child. I would like to issue a challenge to those people. If you have molested a child, who is now grown with children of their own- look that child/adult up, go to them, and ask them what effect it had on them. Ask them if they would agree if it was non-harmful to them.
Anonymous said…
HSH... they wouldn't be able to handle the truth.I think if any of them had an inkling to the amount of damage they really do,there would be mass suicides.

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