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Now that's good TV...

Ever notice that there really isn't anything on TV? Okay, so out of 128 channels, you might be able to find one that has something interesting to watch- but not all the time.
Well worry no more. Residents of Binghamton New York can now tune into Sex Offender Television.
A new show on public-access cable television features resident sex offenders with their photo, name and address and the ages and genders of their victims. "Sex Offender Community Update" debuts Monday.

Now, to be fair to both sides of the issue, some dimbat who perfers "treating" sex offenders over "punishing" them said it's not right. That it will only make things harder on sex offenders.
I wonder if she realises just how "not right" sexually abusing an innocent person it. Or how "hard" being victimized that way is for people.
"The sex offenders are going to have more notoriety because of it," City Councilman Chris Papastrat said. But he added the program, which will be broadcast regularly to 72,000 households, is not meant to ruin anyone's life.

But Robin McGinnis says it could. The president of the national Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers says the broadcast will only cause more anxiety for offenders and others.

"I think it's just panicking the community even more," McGinnis said by phone Sunday. "Sex offenders have become the lepers of the community. I don't see how we expect sex offenders to rehab if we continue to push and push them."

The vast majority of sex offenders molest their own children and are not hanging out in parks and attacking people, she said. "Yes, they should be held accountable, but such a small number are truly dangerous in the community."

Perhaps someone might want to tap her on the shoulder and remind her that even children of molesters are "part of the community".
I really have issue with those who seem to down play molestion and rape that occurs within a family. Are the victims less effected just because they KNEW their abusers? Do they suffer less because someone they TRUSTED turned them into a victim? I mean really, it is that much less serious if a father rapes his daughter repeatedly for years compared to a stranger doing it once?
But back to the Sex Offender TV channel... what do you think of it? - Public Access Cable Show Identifies Local Sex Offenders

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Anonymous said…
Personally, I think it's worse for the children molested by a parent or adult family member...they are supposed to be safe within their family. They are taught to be afraid of strangers, yet it is the family member abusing them, so where are they supposed to go for safety?!

I have no problem with that access cable show keeping the community safe!
Anonymous said…
I think if it were focused on the SO's in non compliance,it could be a good thing. But if someone has done their time, registered,etc, I don't they need to be on there. I have long said that a sex offender alert thing...daily...nation wide...would make a difference...for those in hiding. We already know where the registered ones are. Should they give a faulty address,then yes,by all means...but lets stick to catching those not caught,versus constantly punishing those that are in TOTAL compliance. Crap...I can hear the hatemail now....
Anonymous said…
I agree with you magnolia, and for the same reason, plus others.
1. Only a person who is rather obsessed is going to sit and watch that channel for 24/7. And obsessed people can be dangerous people.
2. It runs the risk of oversaturation, where people go from being totally ignorant of offenders living on their block, to kind of an "oh, well" they are everywhere attitude and quit paying attention to that.
3. People can become overconfident, as in "I know who all the sex offenders are" and quit being watchful.
Anonymous said…
whatever the case is, raping a child for that matter is a serious lack of respect for could be possible that the guy might just be looking for a casual way to release his urges but not on the child,for crying out loud. he can enjoy casuals with even different types of women on webdate dot com,if he must.
Anonymous said…
I am in agreement with magnolia I think the program would be more effective if it featured those who have not complied or registered as they were supposed to with the warning that might well be in the community.
Otherwise it is just a rehash of the registry

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