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Robert Charles Browne, Police Report

I'm going to be honest, I was only able to read 25 pages of the 44 page PDF file, and it was a struggle to continue reading it for as long as I did. It's not so much for the details in the report, I've read a fair share that are more gruesome, more heinous, and more disturbing. But it was the overwhelming feeling of sorrow for those that had their loved ones stolen from them, having their fate left to be described in such a cold manner.
Browne has laid claim to having ruthlessly killed 49 people, with no more reason that his general disdain for women. The entire report reads like a bad novel, aimlessly going from one crime scene to another, lacking any regret or sympathy for the pain inflicted by this heartless killer. And while I know that police reports are not meant to include injustice felt by those left behind... I can't bare to read it, knowing that the pain brought on by the loss of their loved one will once again be torn open.
The report, while lengthy does nothing but document the last moments of those murdered, as told in the words of manipulative man whose goal seems more focused on playing a game of cat and mouse with police than giving a straight forward confession. It only proves that Browne still is calculating, and still defiant in his behavior, as he seems to toy with the investigator just as often, if not more so, then actually providing valuable information which would have sped up the process of locating and solving these gruesome murders.
I can no longer stomach reading it. Perhaps it was the fact that I have found myself involved in cases where a family continues to search for their loved one long after the apparent crime has been committed, and therefore my anger at Browne's ongoing game of deception is just more than I can tolerate.
I've never seen a good excuse for murder, and in truth I wasn't expecting to see one this time either. However, his lack of anything more than an overall disturbing dislike of women as a motive, leaves me baffled. Time and again, he reacts to the killings as if they were entirely the fault of the victim, a "how dare she cheat on someone with me" , if you will, while completely ignoring his own accountability in the "cheating".
He told investigators in prison interviews that he never just went “looking for someone.” When the opportunity was there, Browne said he took it — “it was just disgust with the person and some of it just confrontation.”

Read more at MSNBC,FOX has a story up on the families effected, but I'm done for now.

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