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Reactions to John Karr

*UPDATE: Confession AUDIO
A quick look around the blogosphere will give you a peek at the effect of yesterdays news about the arrest of John Karr in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case is having on people everywhere. It's not just the "crime bloggers", although many of them have picked up on the story.

bc4gwb, from MVRWC shares her feelings on the case, and makes a few suggestions as to what should be done to Karr:

Now this Karr monster’s family–his ex-wife and brother–is saying he wasn’t in Colorado at the time, but in Alabama(!). We’ll see. But this guy’s saying he “was in love with her” and his apparent obsession with her, (even if he didn’t do it!) is enough reason for me to want them to lock this freak up and throw away the key.

Dan from Riehl World View has dug up a resume of the suspect. Which includes the fact that Karr claims to have been a private teacher to more than one small child over the years.
Ace of Spades is wondering how Karr's going to get around that alibi the ex-wife has provided, and seems to be leaning toward another idea:
As Ken cautioned, and I agreed, it's still possible that this guy was just a sicko obsessed with JonBenet, and his sick mind convinced him that confessing to her murder would be a way to unite them forever, if only in the public imagination.

Right Wing News
seems to be looking at other options too when it comes to whether or not we should be prepared to say this confession is the long awaited answer to completely solving the crime:
Maybe more info will come out that explains it -- or maybe this is a kook who confessed to a crime that he didn't commit. That does happen. At the moment, let's just say that the jury's still out on this one and it may be worth waiting until a little more evidence comes in before deciding that the case is solved after all these years.

The Bullwinkle Report finds a most interesting report on Karr's activities with children he claims was in his care, and responses to the response of the Ramsey's sister upon hearing the news:
I heard Pat Ramsey’s sister being interviewed on tv this morning and she was careful to include a comment about noone “should rush to judgment” and “letting justice take its course.” Considering the treatment the Ramsey family received from the tabloid press, some commentators, and the Denver Police I could well understand where she was coming from in her statements. But she amazingly displayed no anger, I’d probably still be off the wall had it been my sister and family attacked continuously..even in her death.

I always find it amazing, the way some stories seem to reach out and touch everyone that hears it. JonBenet's murder was one of those cases. The pretty little beauty queen, and the parents that most people were willing to convict- not necessarily because they believed the Ramsey's did it, but because they dressed her up that way, making a child so young, look so grown up. It was almost a "you were asking for it" mentality, and with no possible solutions to who else could have done it, the Ramsey's became the perfect people to blame. The mother who never seemed quite sad enough, a father who would make plans to leave so soon afterwards.

It's hard to imagine what JonBenet's family must be going through now, just as it is hard to imagine what Karr's family is going through. For nearly ten years, the public opinion seems to have been pointed at the Ramsey's, with quite whispers of a murderer in the family- and now over night the guilt has been passed onto another family.

In the press conferance from the Boulder Police, the following statements were made:

Statement from Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner

The Boulder Police Department is pleased with the recent development in the JonBenet Ramsey homicide investigation. Investigators are hopeful that the arrest of suspect John Karr will lead to bringing closure to this tragic crime.
Boulder District Attorney Mary Lacy has asked the Boulder Police Department to assist with additional investigation that must yet be completed. Police Chief Mark Beckner has agreed to assist in anyway possible.
"We are cautiously optimistic with this development in the case and will certainly help as requested," stated Chief Beckner. "We know that there are still many questions that need to be answered and we are ready to assist in finding those answers."
It is unknown at this time as to what police investigators will be asked to do or how many will be assigned to assist with the follow-up investigation.

Statement from Mary Lacy

Good morning.

As you are now aware, John Mark Karr, 41 years old, was arrested for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey yesterday morning at approximately 6:00 am in Bangkok, Thailand. Mr. Karr was living in Bangkok. He began his employment as a second grade teacher in a Bangkok international school on Tuesday of this week.

Mr. Karr has traveled extensively since leaving the United States several years ago. The District Attorneys' Office in conjunction with many other law enforcement agencies have spent the past few months locating, identifying and yesterday, arresting Mr. Karr. Much work has been done in those efforts. There is much more work that needs to be done now that the suspect is in custody. Our preference would have been to complete that work out of the public eye. That is obviously not possible this morning.

You all have many questions that you are anxious to have answered. John Karr is presumed innocent. We are rightfully constrained by the code of professional conduct and the presumption of innocence from answering those questions today.

What I can tell you in a generic sense is that in all serious cases, we work hard with law enforcement not to make an arrest until the investigation is substantially complete. That optimal situation best protects the rights of the suspect. There are circumstances that may exist in any case which mandate an arrest before an investigation is complete. The primary reason is public safety. A secondary reason is fear of flight. In short, exigent circumstances can drive the timing of an arrest. I am not commenting on the particular nature of this investigation or arrest.

There is a great deal of speculation and a desire for quick answer. We should all heed the poignant advice John Ramsey gave yesterday. Do not jump to judgment. Do not speculate. Let the justice system take its course.

Let us continue to do our job thoroughly. The analysis of the evidence in this case continues on a day-by-day basis.

What I can and very much want to share with you is a deep appreciation for the hard work, total cooperation and dedication of many individuals and agencies across this country and in Thailand. You can surely imagine the logistical difficulty of conducting an international investigation of this nature, particularly when their day is our night and our night is their day.

Our role in the investigation of JonBenet Ramsey's murder has been to follow up on all legitimate leads that we have received from law enforcement and concerned citizens. There have been many, particularly around dates of interest such as anniversaries. John and Patsy Ramsey have cooperated fully with each and every request that we have forwarded to them.

I would like to briefly introduce to you my chief investigator Tom Bennett, who continues to lead our investigative efforts. Also my top assistants Peter Maguire and Bill Nagel who have worked closely with Tom and his unit. Each of them join me today in extending our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the many individuals and agencies that have assisted us, in particular,

The Royal Thailand Police, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Special Investigations, Bangkok, Thailand
Chief Edwin Williams and Sgt. Cameron Rowe of the Roswell, Georgia, Police Department
Steve Paganucci of the Atlanta FBI and the Atlanta field office of the FBI
The Atlanta Police Department
The Cobb County Sheriff's Department
Gary Phillips, SA assigned to the US Embassy with ICE under the EPT of Homeland Security
Ann Hurst, ICE
Taekuk Cho, ICE
Dan Kelly, Special Agent with the FBI in Bangkok
Jeff Copp, Special Agent in Charge, and Tony Rouco, SA, of ICE in Denver, CO
True Rowan with OIA in Washington D.C.
Chris Sonderby with OIA in Bangkok

At every level in Thailand, law enforcement joined forces to provide 24 hour assistance to our investigators here and in Bangkok seven days a week. We are overwhelmed by the selfless dedication and hard work of these individuals and agencies. We cannot adequately express our thanks.

I also wish to thank Chief Mark Beckner of the Boulder Police Department who has offered to provide any and all assistance that we may require as the investigation moves onto home ground. We are grateful for the professional and cooperative relationships that we enjoy with his department at every level and look forward to working together.

And finally, to our man on the ground in Bangkok who has worked tirelessly for us since leaving Denver International Airport for Thailand with little more than four hours notice a week ago Monday..........thank you to District Attorney Investigator Mark Spray, come on home. Tom can use your help here. We need to get you two back in the same time zone.

Please allow me to introduce special agent Jeff Copp with the Denver Office of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement under the Department of Homeland Security.

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