I'm asking every single one of my readers to go back in time, to the day America lost 2996 loved ones. You recall it don't you? It seems no matter where any of us might have been on that day, Sept. 11th, we felt the fear, the sadness and the horror that was happening to those in New York. There is nothing that will ever make the images that we saw, whether we were standing in front of our televisions watching it unfold, or if we ran from the shadows of the buildings that were collapsing- the images will continue to haunt us forever.
Right now is your chance to stand up and 2996 people lost their lives, and now we are in need of 2996 people willing to take the time to remember those we lost, and join in the Tribute to the hero's of 9-11 blogging event.
This is how it works, you sign up here... and a name will be sent to you. You then have until the anniversary to work on a tribute to them. Those with blogs are asked to post it as part of what I imagine to be one of the biggest blog bursts, and certainly the most important. If you do not have a blog, you still may participate. All that is required is that you find a willing blogger who will publish your post for you. For those reading this- I'm willing if you are interested.
Now, I have signed up of course, and have been given the honor of writing about Digna Alexandra Rivera Costanza. So, for those of you that happen to pop in here on a search and find this post, please come back and visit- even if it's only to see the tribute, and find the links to others who are participating in this event.
Categories: internet, bloggers,
Right now is your chance to stand up and 2996 people lost their lives, and now we are in need of 2996 people willing to take the time to remember those we lost, and join in the Tribute to the hero's of 9-11 blogging event.
This is how it works, you sign up here... and a name will be sent to you. You then have until the anniversary to work on a tribute to them. Those with blogs are asked to post it as part of what I imagine to be one of the biggest blog bursts, and certainly the most important. If you do not have a blog, you still may participate. All that is required is that you find a willing blogger who will publish your post for you. For those reading this- I'm willing if you are interested.
Now, I have signed up of course, and have been given the honor of writing about Digna Alexandra Rivera Costanza. So, for those of you that happen to pop in here on a search and find this post, please come back and visit- even if it's only to see the tribute, and find the links to others who are participating in this event.
Categories: internet, bloggers,