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So, some are not convinced

As I mentioned yesterday, it wasn't hard to look around and see more than a few bloggers questioning whether the JonBenet Ramsey murder case was actually any more solved than it was before the big rush of news that a suspect has confessed. Today, the news media seems to be catching up to the rest of us, with literally hundreds of Yahoo News searches bring up headlines such as "Bloggers wary of confession, condemn media" "Skepticism abounds in cyberspace" "Doubts grow overJonBenet's confessed killer" and " Lingering doubts: Alleged confessed JonBenet Ramsey killer leaves police with many unanswered questions". Sorry, I'm not linking the stories. Because, to be honest- they say pretty much exactly what blogs are saying, in fact even a few of them quote some bloggers- without credit or linkage though.

So, people are doubting parts of the confession- where does that leave us? Looking at a few of the bigger problems within the confession, one would think that investigators would have cleared these up BEFORE coming to the conclusion that his confession was the real thing. Such as, just where was John MarkKarr at Christmas in 1996? The ex wife, Lara Karr insists that Karr was with her, wouldn't Boulder police have checked his whereabouts to ensure that it was possible he was in Boulder at that time? It'd be like me confessing to the murder of JFK- well you'd have a confession, but it's be worthless as there is no way I could have been in Texas that day.

Another problem was the "I drugged her" comment, which seems to have been retracted. As the official in Thailand who interrogated Karr has recently said that what Karr said was that it was "a blurr". Which is a big difference, perhaps someone should be looking a little more closer at the "confession" to see what else was mistakenly credited to Karr. The questions about whether Karr picked her up from school, or entered into the home, seems to have been "cleared up" with another correction made by the Thailandofficial- who says Karr didn't say that, the official actually recalled it from a story about the case. So, now we have even more words put into Karr's mouth.

There's the question of the teddy bear, which I'm not even going into right now. But, chalk that one up to another mystery.

Could it be that Karr was looking for speedy ticket back to the States? Is his information" regarding the case actually enough that we can honestly say "only the killer would know it"?
If nothing else, I have to say that my gut tells me this guy is a pervert, more than likely there are children out there that have been made victims of his. (Including his two former wives, which were both underage when he married them)
Washington Post :Karr had an earlier marriage to a girl who was 13 when they wed. He had a peripatetic history of brief jobs in schools. He abruptly quit a teaching internship in Alabama his last semester of college, after complaints about his behavior in class. A year later in California, he was jailed -- though never convicted -- on child pornography charges, skipping out on a court appearance soon after his release and eluding police.
The next year, when Karr was 19, he married a 13-year-old girl from Hamilton, Quientana Shotts, county court records show. Shotts filed for divorce a year later, complaining that she was "fearful for her life and safety." In a response filed with the court, Karr contested her age, saying she was in fact 14.

He was 24 when he married his second wife, Lara, who was 16 and pregnant with twins at the time. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the babies died at birth less than four months later; they were named Angel and Innocence.

A quick look at some of his emails is enough to know that his guy is disturbed to say the least:

from e-mails written by John MarkKarr to University of Colorado journalism professor Michael Tracey

"I am tortured mostly because of my present situation. I appreciate that you would refer to my childhood. It was unique . . . "

"I will tell you that I can understand people like Michael Jackson and feel sympathy when he suffers as he has. I do think that he is sexually attracted to certain children but could never divulge this. He made an attempt when he talked of sleeping with little boys but was completely misunderstood. I think he made an assertion and quickly had to back down. On the other hand, his comments might have had nothing to do with having the type of sex one might equate with the sense of the term, sex."

"Again, I was talking about you in reference to more intensity. The investigation was Federal. It involved four states. Knowing now that you have my photo, I am not keen on telling you of the specific states. I lost every friend, contact and family member as a result of this investigation. Some of my closest little girls were questioned by the authorities which broke my heart into pieces. I will never have contact with anyone in my past ever again. I lost my identity when this happened. This was the easy part. The worst was yet to come."

"I 'want' to tell you much though I cannot due to the fact that it has been revealed to me that you now know what I look like. This is a blow to our conversations and to my sharing. Had I known this earlier, I would have shared less - I am sure of it. With that said, I still responded to your mail in full . . .

"Sometimes little girls are closer to me than with their parents or any other person in their lives. When I refer to myself as JonBenet's Closest, maybe now you understand."

"I am interested in telling you anything that does not cost me everything as it did in the past

Best media quote on the case since the story broke "There is a lot we don't
know" by CourtTv, who has full coverage of the case dating back years for those of you that need a refresher on it.


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