If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm a big fan of coding. HTML, PHP, XML, CSS, JavaScript, a little bit of everything. It's what I enjoy doing in my free time.
So, the other night I was attempting to add a sidebar button (which never really got done) and was distracted by the need to create a Google Tool bar button. Having never created one before, I though it would be fun. And it was. So much fun in fact that I created another one, for this site.
That's my tiny gift. Especially because other people interested in getting this handy little gadget for their own site can pretty much open the code, make a few changes and offer it as their own. Or, create and send a 16px by 16px image to me, there RSS feed address and have one made up.
Lilo's Google Toolbar Button for Internet Explorer *Note you must have the Google Toolbar, and IE for this button. This button will install in your toolbar, and when clicked- bring you right here to the main page, there's also a little arrow on the side that will allow you to see the last posts (you know, as long as Blogger plays nice and doesn't decide to goof up as they have been doing lately.)
To learn more about Google Toolbar Buttons, click here.
Categories: internet
So, the other night I was attempting to add a sidebar button (which never really got done) and was distracted by the need to create a Google Tool bar button. Having never created one before, I though it would be fun. And it was. So much fun in fact that I created another one, for this site.
That's my tiny gift. Especially because other people interested in getting this handy little gadget for their own site can pretty much open the code, make a few changes and offer it as their own. Or, create and send a 16px by 16px image to me, there RSS feed address and have one made up.
Lilo's Google Toolbar Button for Internet Explorer *Note you must have the Google Toolbar, and IE for this button. This button will install in your toolbar, and when clicked- bring you right here to the main page, there's also a little arrow on the side that will allow you to see the last posts (you know, as long as Blogger plays nice and doesn't decide to goof up as they have been doing lately.)
To learn more about Google Toolbar Buttons, click here.
Categories: internet