It's not that I really needed to be reminded that sexual predators can come in every shape, size, color, and monetary value- but it is a story that reiterates that point very well. Which is why I though it would be a good idea to share it with all of you. To many times, it seems that those privileged with money and power seem to be put up on a pedestal... never to be questioned when it comes to what they do behind closed doors. Perhaps this story may help in bringing those people back down a notch, and ensure them that money doesn't always guarantee that the law will be blind when it comes to their actions. And, more importantly, it may be seen as a ray of hope to those who have fallen victim to the wealthy, and the powerful.
It's just too bad that he thought "having it all" included sex with minors, among other things.
Hat tip to Don Surber, who has his own thoughts on this scum.
Categories: predators, molesters,
SOURCE In Palm Beach, he lived in luxury. Three black Mercedes sat in his garage, alongside a green Harley-Davidson. His jet waited at a hangar at Palm Beach International Airport. At home, a private chef and a small staff stood at the ready. From a window in his mansion, he could look out on the Intracoastal Waterway and the West Palm Beach skyline. He seemed to be a man who had everything.
It's just too bad that he thought "having it all" included sex with minors, among other things.
In October, police searched the Palm Beach mansion. They discovered photos of naked, young-looking females, just as several of the girls had described in interviews. Hidden cameras were found in the garage area and inside a clock on Epstein's desk, alongside a girl's high school transcript.
Hat tip to Don Surber, who has his own thoughts on this scum.
Categories: predators, molesters,