Here I am, attempting to watch Law and Order, knowing that I have been completely slacking in reading the news- when the man yells in from the other room "hey, did ya hear about that congressman in Florida?". Now normally, it's me yelling in about news to him, and his reply is usually "how could I since you haven't told me yet". So, the fact that he would tempt me with news is a interesting turn. I knew it had to be good.
I wasn't expecting this:
Mr. Foley is, or was, like I mentioned a Florida Congressman. I'm not really proud about the fact that he was polluting my party, but I wouldn't wish this on the other party either.
I don't know what is more shocking, that he actually had the nerve to send the emails despite his position, or that he had a role in writing one of the most important laws of our time. We tend to think that these sick perverts are safely locked away in our prisons... all the while some are actually sitting comfortably in our government offices.
Deeply sorry. Ever notice that all of them are "deeply sorry" especially after they get caught?
For a more indept story on the case, I suggest you do some reading here.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,
I wasn't expecting this:
Mr Foley was the author of the key sexual predator provisions of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, which President Bush signed into law in July this year. But one of the e-mails he sent to a 16-year-old Congressional intern was described by the recipient as “sick sick sick”. Saying that the e-mails had “freaked me out”, he passed on his concerns to staff on Capitol Hill.
Mr. Foley is, or was, like I mentioned a Florida Congressman. I'm not really proud about the fact that he was polluting my party, but I wouldn't wish this on the other party either.
I don't know what is more shocking, that he actually had the nerve to send the emails despite his position, or that he had a role in writing one of the most important laws of our time. We tend to think that these sick perverts are safely locked away in our prisons... all the while some are actually sitting comfortably in our government offices.
"I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent," he said in a statement issued by his office.
Deeply sorry. Ever notice that all of them are "deeply sorry" especially after they get caught?
For a more indept story on the case, I suggest you do some reading here.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,