Just 14. Not old enough to drive, not even old enough to be out alone past curfew. And yet, tonight the 14 year old, Jacob Ferguson, sits in the custody of the State.
Ferguson, was taken by his father to the the Logan County Sheriff's Office (Ohio) to help in an investigation. He ended up being charged. For rape. Forty counts of rape to be exact.
And the news gets worse...
I'm speechless.
Categories: predators, molesters,
Ferguson, was taken by his father to the the Logan County Sheriff's Office (Ohio) to help in an investigation. He ended up being charged. For rape. Forty counts of rape to be exact.
And the news gets worse...
A 14-year-old boy was arrested on Tuesday and charged with 40 delinquency counts of rape, according to a published report.Police told The Bellefontaine Examiner that the charges against Jacob Ferguson stem from incidents during the past two years with a male and female victim, both under the ages of 10.
According to police, an Indian Lake-area boy under 10 years old was also charged with a delinquency charge of rape and was released to the custody of his parents, the newspaper reported.
I'm speechless.
Categories: predators, molesters,