I know that the very subject of my blog will indeed attract unwanted visitors seeking illegal content, because their search words are often included in the stories that I write. I feel safe in saying that when they click over, they aren't finding exactly what they want. But, their being here does give me the chance to show what pervs are lurking out there.
Now, many people will assume that I am a minority when it comes to getting these search referals, and that the single reason is due to the subject of my blog. They'd be wrong.
You see, Basil, from Basils blog doesn't talk about sexual predators all that much. In fact, only a few times have I ever seen it mentioned- but don't get me wrong, his is a place worth reading. Always interesting, and always a much needed break from the whole "sex crimes" type reading I do to bring you the stories I have here.
Yet, it seems that Basil has recently gotten a down right interesting search referral of his own...
Trust me, you have to see this one for yourself. New York City Tax Dollars At Work
Categories: predators,
Now, many people will assume that I am a minority when it comes to getting these search referals, and that the single reason is due to the subject of my blog. They'd be wrong.
You see, Basil, from Basils blog doesn't talk about sexual predators all that much. In fact, only a few times have I ever seen it mentioned- but don't get me wrong, his is a place worth reading. Always interesting, and always a much needed break from the whole "sex crimes" type reading I do to bring you the stories I have here.
Yet, it seems that Basil has recently gotten a down right interesting search referral of his own...
Well, yesterday, we had a visitor from New York City. And not just from New York City, but from the New York City government. That's nyc.gov
Trust me, you have to see this one for yourself. New York City Tax Dollars At Work
Categories: predators,