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And the Band Played On

Okay, I know... tacky title. But, you don't know how long I've been dying to use it. Actually, regular readers might know- as I sort of, kind of mentioned it in passing a while back.

The story goes something like this, a tip from another Right Winged Lima blogger, (my favorite kind btw)Right Moment was that a local- and by local I mean I could throw a stone and land it within the school district- school seems to have had a band director who was, a little overly friendly with students.

Now, the guy behind Right Moment had only a few small town rumors and a briefly heard spot on a local talk radio show to back up the story he was telling... but guess what? Small town rumors are often right, especially on such a touchy subject. And let's face it, the fact that the band guy resigned hinted that there was something to the story after all.

So, here it is. Elida High School, home of the Bulldogs and a plea for votes to pass a levy... had a band director. Who had a relationship... or two with students. And no one said much, or knew anything... until a anonymous tip came in bringing the relationships to light. You have to love those anonymous tips. And the fact that it took a over a month for it to hit the news... nothing like "breaking news, weeks after it happens"

The Elida High School band director, who resigned in September, is being investigated for possibly having sexual contact with at least two students.

The Elida Police Department began investigating Bradley Roach, 32, after it received an anonymous call in late August reporting sexual misconduct, according to a police report. Roach resigned from his position effective Sept. 27 for health reasons.

Health reasons... hum, does being a complete disgrace really qualify as a "health reason?"

Now, of course some will claim no harm, as the students were both 18 and adults at the time of the relationships. And, after all Ohio's age of consent it 16. And, he seems to have been a much liked guy.

Roach was popular with band members and fans. Various letters have appeared in The Lima News during the past few years complimenting the band and thanking Roach for the job he did. The band is also well known, having performed at an OSU Skull session.

Cheryl Fraley, president of the band booster group, said Tuesday that she was shocked by the investigation, saying it was the first she had heard about it.

"I never thought anything like that," she said of the allegations. "He is a nice guy, and the kids respect him. He got what he wanted out of the kids when it came to the band. I had a lot of respect for the way he taught."

But, that doesn't overshadow what he is accused of doing, which is morally and ethically wrong, or the fact that his actions (alleged) were a clear violation of the law

The police are investigating possible sexual battery, a third-degree felony, because it involved a teacher, administrator, coach or other school authority figure, according to the police report. A third-degree felony is punishable with as much as five years in prison.

Sexual battery means there was some sort of sexual intercourse or penetration, Hollis said.

Big thanks to Right Moment for being the first to share this with us.

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