I once read that no matter what your preference for online reading was, there was a blog somewhere dedicated to writing about it. Thankfully, it didn't take me long to find more than a few blogs that I could quickly relate to. I can't thank Steve Huff and Trench enough for paving the way for the crime blogs that came after them, as I've said on many occasions- they are the fathers of crime blogging.
Wouldn't you know it, after a while these crime blog fathers had inspired a whole new generation of crime bloggers, and Trench and Steve decided to make an honest family out of us by officially adopting all the wayward little crime blogging kids that had been popping up along their trail and start an official True Crime Blogs group.
I'm pleased to say that our family has continued to grow, and even more pleased to share with you that our crime blogging family has made it to the big one year anniversary. Now, I know normally on anniversaries the parents are suppose to receive the gifts, but instead Trench has worked late into the night to bring you, our readers, a special gift. From the entire family of Crime Bloggers- we proudly present to you the 52nd Edition of the Carnival of The True Crime Blogs.
Categories:, internet, bloggers,
Wouldn't you know it, after a while these crime blog fathers had inspired a whole new generation of crime bloggers, and Trench and Steve decided to make an honest family out of us by officially adopting all the wayward little crime blogging kids that had been popping up along their trail and start an official True Crime Blogs group.

Categories:, internet, bloggers,