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A Mothers Love

A few times, I have referred to the old line about a mother being as protective of her children as a mother bear is of her cubs. And while so many of you understand that, more than one person has taken offense at it. But, I believe it is fitting. Because there are so many cases where a mother has demonstrated strength beyond her normal abilities- a pure rush of adrenaline completely inspired and invoked by her instinct to protect her own- at all costs. It doesn't happen everyday, and all to commonly we hear stories which remind us that mothers can be some of the biggest dangers to their own children. And, of course- I would be shamed not to mention the simple and honest fact that there are as many man who demonstrate this empowering instinct as there are women.

Parents in general are an amazing group of people. While almost everyone has the ability to become a parent (either naturally or through legal means) some parents seem to belong to a family of rats, given their nature to kill or harm their young. Others are unmistakeably from a completely different- nurturing and loving their children unconditionally, and with a desire to protect them that is nothing short of amazing.

I'm not going to talk about the "rats" who have sadly been able to become parents. Instead, I thought I would pass along a story shared with me about a mother who acted out not to save herself, but to save her child.

The woman, whose name is being withheld because she was the victim of a sexual assault, told police Lee broke into the house wearing a ski mask and carrying a shotgun.

Capt. Ron Hunton with the Cherokee County Police said Lee beat the woman with the gun and raped her, then told her that he would move on to her daughter next. He had locked the daughter in the closet of the room where he raped the woman.

This unnamed woman, having been beaten and raped- struggled to do the impossible- to have the strength to fight this monster in order to protect her child.
When Lee began rummaging through the woman's purse, she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She fought with Lee, stabbing him several times, Hunton said.

At one point, the attacker threw a pot of boiling tea from the stove on her, Hunton said.

During the fight, Lee went out the back door and then re-entered the house by breaking a window, Hunton said. The woman and Lee fought again in the living room and the hallway, where she stabbed him several more times.

Lee crawled through the house into the back yard and died.

The woman was stabbed during the struggle, adding to her already severe injuries- and yet was able to overpower Lee, and ensure the safety of her child.

I would say she is nothing short of amazing, and a true hero.
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Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing this story. Once in a while, I like to hear one from the good side. God knows there are plenty of the other ones. My hat is off to this woman for such a display of courage and love.

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