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1201 Posts... And a scum bag in site.

Yeah, this is my 1201 post. And, tonight I realised I'd been missing something. I don't know, I've just not felt like writing. Let's face it, you all can click on FoxNews just as quickly as I can. I needed something. I just couldn't figure out what , so I just was sitting here reading the news, when I clicked on a story about all the crimes done in the name of Christmas. There's the Santa that kidnapped a child at a gas station, the Santa that was a sex offender, the Santa photographer that was a child molester... a bunch of crimes involving Santa. I don't care if you agree with the image of Santa or not- taking a charactor beloves by millions of children and using his likeness to prey upon children is just freaking wrong. Most of us see Santa as innocent icon representing a season of love. I'm not going to get preachy- I've already done that tonight with the little ones here, but I am getting rather tired of people using good things to further their bad ideas.

Santa is suppose to be a golly loving person- not a sick pervert. And it was that very thought that reminded me of another pure idea being trampled upon by like minded scum. It's the idea of love, and the other people are really just more of the same- child predators infecting the world with their devaint thoughts. These child molesters, these sexual predators aren't just happy with spoiling the image of Santa- nope they are going after something much much bigger- the word "love".

These lowlife pedophiles would like to use love to define the sick sexual attraction they have for children, and yet- their own comments prove that they know very little about what love really is.

L. Ashford, who so many of you already know about is the leader of the pack when it comes to the pedophile community of what they define as "girl lovers" and the rest of the world more correctly defines as "sick fucked up bastards who ought to be locked away". I know, I rarely cuss around here, but somethings are so foul, they can only be described with foul words. And, trust me, these pedophiles are foul beyond belief.

A recent thread over at the pedo forums shows exactly what sort of worthless pieces of crap parade around proclaiming themselves "lovers of children" while actually only being interested in nothing more than the sexual exploitation of said little ones.

This is the post, it's a response to a previous post on a documentary focused on the sexual exploitation and abuse of children through prostitution in third world countries.

In reply to ''I yum yum very good'' posted by The Phantom on on Monday, December 18 2006 at 07:10:13pm
With quotes like: ''I yum yum very good''... I definitely want to see that movie. Where can I find it?

I know all about Svay Pak (aka. K11). I saw the video of how the police were paid by the american government to raid the place. The children were crying and screaming "let me go!" while the police were dragging them away. After the police seized control of the place. They then paid other children to act as prostitutes to lure tourists into a trap.

The police together with those western organizations, then put the kidnapped children and teens into some kind of concentration camp. Most of the children and teens there, manage to escape the concentration camp so they can go back to work as prostitutes, because that's what they WANT to do.

Here's a good one:

After answering her with a no, she tells him, "I no money today, Mama-san boxing me." He gave the little girls a few dollars to take to the brothel owner so that she would not beat them and knew that he needed to act.

The guy was outsmarted by a child! Not bad for children he claims should be forced to go to school.

But once he had those little girls, whose heads barely reached the tip of his tie, aggressively solicit him for sex, and some, actually reaching to touch his crotch, he felt the issue became personal.

He should be arrested for touching childrens' hands with his crotch. Isn't that statutory rape or something? Now, where did I put my torch?

- Heartfallen

I'm taken back that so called girl lovers would openly support conditions that allow for children to be blatantly sold for sexual pleasures of strangers, support for a world where a child is forces to offer themselves to predators- not because they want to as he claims, but because their very life depends upon it.

Exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, physical abuse, rape, brutal treatment by their "owners", threats upon their life, and fear of having no where else to turn are all things these children are forces to live with on a daily basis- and yet this is a life style that Heartfallen believes is appealing to a child? The on going abuse of a child, and support of that abuse doesn't seem to resemble "love" to me.... but then again, we all know that despite the name that they put upon themselves, these pedophiles know nothing about love- and their only concern in regards to children is how to fulfill their own twisted lust for them.

How can something that leaves these sort of effects on children be considered anything remotely close to love?

Can contributing to the abuse, torture, starvation, and humilation of children really be considered an act that could ever even come close to resembling love? I don't think so. Putting children at risk to contract infections and deseases such as AIDS, Chancroid, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes and Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis doesn't come off as very loving either.

But, hey, the important thing is that these monsters who happily support such things can make justify their actions but calling it "love". After all, it's all about making themselves feel better when they go to bed at night, right?

Yeah, I'm done ranting for now.

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