Law enforcement in two counties, along with the following: agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, the U.S. Attorney’s Project Safe Childhood, Kentucky Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Integrated Child Exploitation Team- had their work cut out for them recently. It seems that an email tip came in, and while in the process of investigating it they found Brian Graham.
Graham is evidently a child rapist, or to be more clear- he engaged in nepiophilia- as he was arrested for raping a child under the age of 2.
There are certainly different takes on the effects of sexual abuse on a child so young, with some believing that because the child will most likely not be able to recall teh abuse,that it's almost as if it never happened. However, a more accepted theory is described below:
Which is from an article written on sexual abuse of infants in Africa.
As a mother, I tend to go along with this theory, because as most people with children will tell you, there is often a connection between a parent and child that forms at birth, and grows as the child grows. There might not be actual memories, they way most of us define them- but there is that level of comfort, that feeling of protection and being safe.... infliction of such horrid experiences can not create that feeling, and I believe even in the very young, certain feelings or experiences can reflect from a child for years.
I can not begin to understand how anyone could look at a child, and then put them through such a abusive and cruel act. Personally, I'm hoping that Graham gets punished as harshly as humanly possible.... there will never be anything that comes close to complete justice for this littlest of victims- but removing him from the rest of society is a start.
Hat tip to fellow crime blogger Home Sweet Home- which by the way, in case I haven't mentioned it lately- provides a great source of information on domestic violence cases, and is really worth the click over to the site.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,
Graham is evidently a child rapist, or to be more clear- he engaged in nepiophilia- as he was arrested for raping a child under the age of 2.
Investigators said they discovered that Brian Graham had had sex with an 18-month-old child.
Graham, 48, was arrested Tuesday and charged with sodomy and sexual abuse. He faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted.
There are certainly different takes on the effects of sexual abuse on a child so young, with some believing that because the child will most likely not be able to recall teh abuse,that it's almost as if it never happened. However, a more accepted theory is described below:
The sexual abuse of the infant child, can, and often does, arrest, or significantly delay, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural development. Perry states that the sexual abuse of an infant is often accompanied by extreme disruptions of normal care-giving behaviours, and by extreme and prolonged stress responses on the part of the infant. He reiterates that altered care giving and prolonged stress response[s] will profoundly impact on the healthy development process of the infant.
Which is from an article written on sexual abuse of infants in Africa.
As a mother, I tend to go along with this theory, because as most people with children will tell you, there is often a connection between a parent and child that forms at birth, and grows as the child grows. There might not be actual memories, they way most of us define them- but there is that level of comfort, that feeling of protection and being safe.... infliction of such horrid experiences can not create that feeling, and I believe even in the very young, certain feelings or experiences can reflect from a child for years.
I can not begin to understand how anyone could look at a child, and then put them through such a abusive and cruel act. Personally, I'm hoping that Graham gets punished as harshly as humanly possible.... there will never be anything that comes close to complete justice for this littlest of victims- but removing him from the rest of society is a start.
Hat tip to fellow crime blogger Home Sweet Home- which by the way, in case I haven't mentioned it lately- provides a great source of information on domestic violence cases, and is really worth the click over to the site.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,