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Little Girl Lost

There are some relationships between a child and a parent that go beyond being special. They are the original examples of common phrases like "mommy's boy" and "daddy's little girl". The extreme love between the parent and the child isn't tarnished during the rocky years of adolescents... it's not deterred by the wayward behavior of a confused teen. It remains strong, although often tattered and beaten by the phone calls home from schools, the unapproving glances from family friends who are one step away from declaring the child a lost cause, through the tough times and the pain- it remains strong and unbreakable.

My little girl still sees her dad as her hero, he's still her favorite guy. She's still his biggest cheerleader, and more than sure that he can "do anything". I know, from experience that over the years, as she grows she won't smile as big when he comes home. She'll start to prefer being with her friends over playing soccer with her dad.... and he'll be replaced by a long list of boys as her "favorite" guy. It's what teenage girls do. And he, like any good father of a teenage girl- will be deeply burned by the thought that his little girl has grown up, and away from him. What he knows, and what she'll learn is that no matter what- she'll always be his little girl, and he'll always be there for her.

Marissa Karp had entered those confusing teenage years, and had evidently struggled with the the same problems that fall upon many teenagers, however her story had a much sadder ending.

This is Marissa's story...

The Herald reports her problems began soon after her mother's death in 1996. Her father, Gary Karp, remarried, and the family relations were strained. Marissa began breaking curfew and smoking. She was sent to DCF, to her grandmother's home, and back to DCF, until she was placed in a Broward youth shelter, The Leaf.

When Marissa's time was up at the temporary shelter, she was sent to the Brown School, a facility for troubled youth, but ran away in January 2002. Three months later, Marissa was found in Fort Lauderdale and placed in the DCF building on West Sample Road.

On April 17, 2002, Marissa was reported as a missing/runaway juvenile to the Broward Sheriff's Office. Though Marissa had run away, she maintained phone contact with family members and acquaintances through early August 2002.

Despite public searches for the young girl, Marissa was never found alive. On August 19, 2002 deputies responded to the L-28 canal near MM52 on Alligator Alley after a local fisherman discovered a plastic bag containing the body of a young woman floating in the water... that body would turn out to be Marissa.

This is where we come back to the love between a parent and a child that I spoke of at the start of this post. Because, despite all the problems that came between Marissa and her family- she was always her daddy's little girl. And, despite years of not knowing, Gary Karp is still fighting and searching for answers as to who murdered his child.

AMW SITE- My daughter's name is Marissa Elan Karp and on August 19, 2002 her body was found shot and dumped in a canal off of Alligator Alley between Ft. Lauderdale and Naples. She was only seventeen at the time of her murder.

Today would have been Marissa Karp's birthday. In hopes of finding a lead that will help bring justice to Marissa Karp, Steve Huff has asked various bloggers to post her story today. I'll be adding the links later today, but until then you can keep an eye out for new posts on her case by following this link, which will do a blog search for posts on Marissa. And be sure to keep an eye on Steve Huff's place, as he's been working hard to put together a post on her murder that is sure to be insightful. His first post on Marissa can be found here.


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