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Michael Rossfeld

Despite the fact that due to a lack of imagination my home town is part of the name of this blog, this isn't really what anyone would call a "local blog". I barely cover anything remotely local, especially when compared to the number of non local cases I write about. However, this was one I just couldn't pass up.

Elida Ohio is a stone throw away from Lima, so close in fact that the "Lima Mall" is actually in Elida. They have their own schools and even their own post office- but their size is still small enough that it just becomes easier to say they live in Lima rather than trying to point Elida out on a map. It's a small town. A very small town. But a nice one. Normally quiet, and hardly enough trouble to ever really even notice that they are there. Which, I suppose is why it seems so odd that they made the news yet again.

It's not uncommon to read about Elida schools in the news, there are always levy's, or sporting events, or something usually half way entertaining to see. It's just that by now you all should know that when I mention someone being in the news, I'm not usually mentioning it for a good reason. And sadly, this time fits under that umbrella.

A few months back, I hinted at a story of a band director who was the main focus of some rather interesting rumors going around. The Elida alumni blogger from Right Moment had shared a story referring to some illegal sexual contact between the band member and a few students. Of course, like any good newspaper- the local paper took a little longer to publish anything on it... but we had enough information from Right Moment breaking the story to know that things were getting a little hot in Elida.

That would have been enough for any small town school to deal with. It's really not the sort of spot light that anyone wants shining down on them. And then, last week, something else happened.

An Elida High School science teacher was arrested Thursday after he attempted to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex who actually was an undercover police officer.

Michael Rossfeld, 45, was arrested just before 11 a.m. in Fairborn. Police there had been chatting with Rossfeld online for the past 30 days, Fairborn police reported.

Of course, the Lima News has picked up the story, which you can read in full here and here.

What really gets me is that these two completely different stories broke so closely together. Michael Rossfeld had a chance to learn from ex band director Bradley Roach's fate, and yet continued to persue a what he believed to be a 14 year old girl on the internet.

At some point, one would begin to think that this story can't get much worse. But like a good trashy book- it does. You see, Rossfeld chatted away with what he believed to be a 14 year old girl for over a month, and then agreed to meet her for sexual motives. The problem? Well, Rossfeld being a teacher should have been at work, instead he took a sick day off and made his way to Fairborn where he was arrested by police.

Right about now, there are going to be some people stepping in and saying that because it wasn't a real 14 year old, and because he didn't actually have any sexual contact with a real child (that we know of), then there really aren't victims in this case. But, we should all know that in cases like these, the victims aren't just the ones that we see directly connected to the crime.

I'm taking a page from Steve Huff, and not publishing the link to the site, due to privacy reasons- however, I did want to share with you one reaction from a Elida Student. Just so that you can see the depth of how far these crimes can reach. (H/t Right Moment for the link)

I go to Elida High School as most of you know and as most of you also should know that the police just arrested an Elida teacher for trying to have sex with a 14 yr old. this makes me so sick to my stomache. this makes me sick because this teacher was my student council adviser. i worked with this man and i put my trust in him and thought nothing of it. i thought he was a great guy. its wierd how you think you know someone and then you come to find hes someone else. i mean i spent the night at this mans house once. wierd! i donno it makes me sick plus everyone at school here is talking about it like its a joke. its not funny at all.
i feel like i'm being so scard now days first i was at the scene where a girl lost her father in a burning car now someone i thought was a good guy and i trusted is in jail. grrrrr so much grrrr!

Right Moment pointed out that there are a few comments in there that might make your eyebrow rise a little, but I'll go along with him and let you figure out which ones for yourself.
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Anonymous said…
I too graduated from Elida and was in many of Mr. Rossfeld's classes throughout high school. I noticed your comment after you posted what another student said, and just to set it straight, Mr. Rossfeld had a son that was around my age and he had many friends and get togethers. i wouldnt think anything of it for someone to spend the night at his house b/c he did have children.

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