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Two Choices...

I've mentioned this before, in passing, but it's relevant so I'm bringing it up again.

Growing up, my immediate family all were active Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore we didn't celebrate any of the holidays or birthdays. As a child this never really bothered me much, because having never experienced any of that- I didn't know what I was missing. I'm grown now, with a family of my own, and I try to always make every celebration a little more special- I suppose I'm attempting to conpensate for what I didn't have as a child.

When I imagine my children all grown, I want them to be able to look back and and have memories to smile about. And, while they are still young enough to believe in the magic of the holiday's, I want them to just be wowed by all of it.

Last year, my older children came up with the greatest of ideas on Christmas Eve. They had planned out a way for their dad to snap a photo of Rudolf, so that we they woke in the morning, they'd be able to see "proof" that he'd actually eaten the reindeer food they had left out. I suppose they must have had a lot of doubt that the oats and glitter was really magic reindeer food. The plan was rather simple, their dad would wake all night by the window- and when Rudolf came into view (they'd be smart enough to place the magic food within visible distance of the window) he'd snap a quick photo.

Their presentation of this idea was very sweet, and very convincing. "Dad" of course agreed to try this, but with a glance at me, warned them that it might not work. As the kids walked away, I overheard one saying to another one that he could do it, after all dad can do anything.

There was no way that I was letting this chance to make my kids happy slip by, so after taking a few pictures of the view out my office window, and seeking the perfect reindeer on Google.... I was able to do a little magic with Fireworks, and get the much sought after "proof" that Rudolf had come, and had eaten some of the magic reindeer food they'd left for him. Of couse, to really pull this off, someone had to go out and trample around in the snow... but I quickly decided it was worth the effort as I printed off the picture and presented it to my husband for approval.

When the kids woke up in the morning, that photo was the first thing they saw, and I swear their smiles were bigger than they have even been. The best part, hearing that one little child tell the other "see, I TOLD you dad could do anything".

I decided to share this story, because I read another one today that bothered me so much. You see, I'm not the perfect parent, I make mistakes, all the time. But, I know that despite my faults- what matters to my kids now, and what will matter to them in the future is the effort I've put into our relationships. Every parent has two choices: to give your kids good memories, or to give them bad ones.

A little girl went to school complaining of a headache and vomiting. At some point, she told school officials that one of her parents had kicked her- in the stomach and in the head.

Police are investigating the situation, as they should be. But I can't help but think, with a little over 2 weeks before Christmas, what sort of memories are these parents giving to their child? It's not just the physical abuse that will hurt this little girl, this will emotional hurt her. The headache will go away, and the injuries to her stomach will heal... but she'll know what they have done- and have to remember the pain they inflicted on her.

If you are so powerless over your rage that feel you are going to abuse your child- then please pick up a phone and seek help, before that feeling leads to actions. Give your child memories that will make them smile and thank you in the future, rather than ones that will hurt them, not jsut now... but later on too.

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Unknown said…

That is a wonderful story about how you proved the existence of Rudolph. I may have to borrow the pic and print it out for my 4-year-old granddaughter to see on Christmas morning.

I agree it is so important to leave lasting good memories for a child to look back on - all year round.
Anonymous said…
I love the Rudolph story. So cute, and it shows so much what an effort you are willing to expend for your children. Likely that picture will be one of their favorites long after they learn the real truth. As for the picture itself.... it looks convincing to me!

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