Okay, so I've cheated and skipped actually writing anything for the last few days. I have a good excuse, but rather than sharing it- I though I would share some more screen captures.

Now, I have a even more interesting screen capture for you- but there is a little story behind it that I thought I would share first.
At one time, I lived in Orange County Florida, so naturally, I get a little more interested in news from there compared to my already high interest in sex crime cases. So when I heard about this one, I wanted to look into it.
It seems that a male in Orange County has been casing homes near golf courses looking for female victims. When he recently found one, he approached the home, told the female that he believed he may have broken a yard light with his golf ball- and offered to go look. He pushed his way into the home and attempted to sexually assault the woman.
The male is described as white, around 30 years old with a goatee. Personally, I'd imagine that by now the goatee is most likely gone. But that's just my thoughts on it.
You can find the entire news story, with video and a sketch of the would be rapist here.
And now that you're aware of the story behind this next screen capture, I should tell you that I found that story at CNN. For those unfamiliar with CNN's website, under the US news tab, they highlight stories from each part of the States. Sometimes they keep the headline the same on the story, but most times they attempt to improve upon it, or change it a little. For the story I shared with you- they took the liberty of changing the headline.... although I'm not sure it was a real improvement.
Pest? A Sex Pest? Really? I don't know about you, but when I think about a pest- I think about a nuisance or some sort of unwanted rodent... not an attempted rapist. Pest just doesn't seem to cover the disturbing nature of this criminal. Perhaps someone should buy CNN a better Thesaurus.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,
Now, I have a even more interesting screen capture for you- but there is a little story behind it that I thought I would share first.
At one time, I lived in Orange County Florida, so naturally, I get a little more interested in news from there compared to my already high interest in sex crime cases. So when I heard about this one, I wanted to look into it.
It seems that a male in Orange County has been casing homes near golf courses looking for female victims. When he recently found one, he approached the home, told the female that he believed he may have broken a yard light with his golf ball- and offered to go look. He pushed his way into the home and attempted to sexually assault the woman.
The male is described as white, around 30 years old with a goatee. Personally, I'd imagine that by now the goatee is most likely gone. But that's just my thoughts on it.
You can find the entire news story, with video and a sketch of the would be rapist here.
And now that you're aware of the story behind this next screen capture, I should tell you that I found that story at CNN. For those unfamiliar with CNN's website, under the US news tab, they highlight stories from each part of the States. Sometimes they keep the headline the same on the story, but most times they attempt to improve upon it, or change it a little. For the story I shared with you- they took the liberty of changing the headline.... although I'm not sure it was a real improvement.
Categories: predators, molesters, internet,