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Honk for Stupidity

I didn't have any idea when I woke up this morning that today was going to be a prime example of one of those days I just wished that other people hadn't gotten out of bed.

I'm reading the blogs, and reading the news, when I clicked over to a link entitled "Mother of tot found on I-465 is free on bail." I just kept thinking how amazed I was that yet another tot was found on that highway- cause God knows that it couldn't be "our" Nancy free on bail. No, it had to be someone else. I mean, really how the hell would a "contemplating being a whore, can't get off the computer long enough to find a worthwhile job, sleeping while her kid plays Frogger on 1-465, doesn't take care of the FIVE kids she's got so she gets knocked up again" woman come up with bail?

Well friends, let me tell you how she got bail. A child advocate financed it. I know, I know. Sort of strange huh?

The mother of the 3-year-old found wandering I-465 last weekend was freed from jail after a member of a child advocacy group paid her bail. A member of Honk for Kids paid $350 for the $3,500 bond, and Nancy Dyer was freed late Thursday, Marion County court records show."Right is right and wrong is wrong, and everyone deserves a fair chance," said Rita Staton, a member of the advocacy group.

"Honk for Kids recognizes the need for an unbiased investigation to ascertain the truth and to (ensure) civil liberties of parents and families are secured," Robertson said. "We will be closely following this case on an ongoing basis to ensure that this matter is handled in a just and proper manner."Robertson said Honk for Kids is considering assisting in Dyer's legal defense but has not yet made a final decision.Dyer is facing four felony counts of child neglect after prosecutors say motorists rescued her 3-year-old son, Damon as he ran on the interstate Dec. 30. Police later found her 2-year-old daughter, Gabrielle eating out of the trash in a dirty apartment, prosecutors say.

I now see, that just as some people should never be parents- some people should never be allowed to call themselves "child advocates".

The conditions these children were forced to live in were unfitting for animals- let alone toddlers. Pehaps
Rita Staton should turn in her child advocate stickers and start a new foundation- "Honk for Stupidity, supporting those who neglect their children."

Rita- if you're out there, I beg of you to take two minutes and think about these children- the five now living, and the one on the way. I would implore you to consider what is best for them, what will benefit them, and what will ensure that they have a chance to grow up in a clean, safe and healthy environment. It's not to late to take your head out of your ass and put a child first.

More News -
Rita Staton, a member of Honk for Kids, said she paid the bail because she was furious about comments attributed to Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi in The Indianapolis Star regarding the case. She said she made the payment on her own, and that it wasn't connected with the advocacy group.

And, from a few days back, at reduction for bail hearing:
"The little girl was found eating Spaghettios out of a garbage bag that had been placed there the night before, according to the mom," Marchal said.

Dyer told the judge that she moved to Indianapolis from Florida last month to be near family because she was in debt.

Dyer said that she gets inheritance money from a trust fund, but was looking for work. Dyer said in court that she couldn't get a job until she found childcare because she couldn't leave her children unattended.

The judge denied a request to reduce Dyer's $3,500 bond. The children are in protective custody, and Dyer is not allowed to have contact with them.

Nancy Dyer has released a statement here, and seems to be defending herself under a screen name of "the devil herself" at the Indy Star (you'll have to click on "read all comments" at the bottom of the story**).

(by the way- one of her comments includes the information that at 19 she gave up her son (who's now 15) to her father, she does this to "defend" the fact that she had 5 kids- three who apparently haven't lived with her for some time- that she doesn't take care of. To explain her son's adoption by her father- she simply states that the child requested it.

People, that's a sign. If your 4 year old can see what a miserable parent you are, to the degree that they want to live FOREVER with someone other than you- it's time to stop breeding.)

**If you don't want to go through over 300 comments looking for them, I've copied and pasted JUST her comments into a txt file here. If I've missed any, or you have some new ones- let me know.

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Anonymous said…
What really gets me is she went on the news and said that she would give up her kids because she new she could not be a a good mother. And she wanted to do what was good for her kids. Less then 24 hrs later she has changed her mind. It is just another one of her stunts.

She has said that she get 100 or so monthly from her trust fund and around $1800 every 3 months from the same trust fund but yet she was still applying for public aid. Something wrong with this picture. That is divided to be $600-$700 monthly if she could have saved it right or used the money right. People have lived on and raised there kids on a lot less and not neglected them.

Next you have her step mother saying how Nancy has had chance after chance then turn around and say oh give her one more chance. How many chances is it going to take.
Anonymous said…
What a miserable POS this "mother" is!

I'm convinced, based on my research of her, that she was often up all night playing internet games and messaging friends on the computer, and sleeping the day away, on a totally different rhythm than normal people (like small children!)- same goes for her behavior in the hours before Damon "escaped" from his hellhole.

And shame on the mainstream media for soft-pedaling this: There is NO "allegedly" about it- this child WAS FOUND ON THE INTERSTATE! FACT!

Only one reported "fact" about Dyer's situation MIGHT have garnered my sympathy, if I hadn't done my OWN research and discovered oh-so-much more:

For instance: Before and right after my first child was born, we lived in an apartment complex (whose application process would have eliminated Nancy Dyer, but that's beside the point) which did NOT allow additional locks to be placed upon their doors. Including Hook & Eye locks.

So, OK, I can see a precocious 2-YO possibly getting out of an apartment like that. But not if you're awake and alert, as a parent should be! And nothing is preventing you from placing a locking *doorknob* on that child's child-proofed room, if they are prone to "escape" and a pregnant mom just really NEEDS a nap (been there!).

But I doubt that Dyer's pea-brain ever considered anything other than her own freaky needs. And Nancy's claim that Damon is Autistic just grinds on me even more.

At any rate, this was apparently NORMAL activity for Nancy- Up all night on the computer with her role-playing buddies, then sleeping all day while her kids roamed their non-child-proofed home.

I'd love to hear how those kids fare on understood language & social aptitude tests (not much one can really "test" 2-3-yo's on, but these are tell-tale...). I'll bet they can mimic smoking and drinking and spanking quite well, but don't have a clue how to mimic cooking or cleaning or caring for "baby dolls" (pretend play, empathy, etc...). Obviously, neither were potty-trained.

That video of her baby girl Gabrielle wearing the shitty diaper- her arms out like she was expecting to be picked up and hugged- SAVED!... broke my damn heart. The photo stills I saw of Damon, after he was rescued from the highway, showed an angry, and upset child, in my view- not a disjointed child. Damon's many expressions in those multiple photos were different from each other, and were nowhere near an Autistic child's expressions.

So many "facts" reported in the mainstream news were so far from the truth it was laughable- and I wonder why this loser is being championed now. Is there a serious problem with the local Child Protection Services? Does somebody need a shitload of votes for re-election?

Oh yeah, she also spent a lot of time writing sob stories complaining about the "sex friends" in her life (one of whom is the father of her unborn child). That was before, during, and after Nancy unabashedly contemplated becoming a prostitute to make some extra cash.

I am so glad all those photos exist.

I am glad that the egg-donor's MySpace has been copied- along with her blog entries and comments to her "friends'" blogs.

I hope the mainstream media will pluck their heads from the muck and report the facts now, and not feel-good bullshit.

I also hope that the two youngest childrens' biological father will be investigated.

Lotsa wrong turns in this gene pool recently- Hopefully this is the end of it.


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