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John Patrick Violette

John Patrick Violette had been left alone with his only child, a four year old daughter named Caitlyn. A neighbor recalled being uneasy when she saw John speeding to the house around lunch time on Friday, apparently with signs that he was under emotional distress.
Neighbor B.J. Woodall had an uneasy feeling around lunchtime Friday when she saw John Violette speeding into the neighborhood in his stationwagon.

"His face was cringing; he looked like he was disturbed about something," said Woodall, who stood in the yard talking to another neighbor as Violette zoomed by. Woodall said Violette was talking angrily into his cell phone as he raced up to the home's front stoop.

But there was no way that she could possibly know what laid ahead for John's family.
Amber Violette arrived at her Clayton home late Friday afternoon to find that her 4-year-old daughter had been killed, the child's head severed from her body, according to emergency dispatchers.

A immediate search for John started, and by the early hours of the morning, police were able to track him down, and arrest him.

John Violette had driven to Raleigh-Durham International Airport in a 1991 Buick stationwagon and taken a flight to Washington, although Clayton Police Sgt. S.P. Lapsley said this morning that nothing had led law enforcement authorities to believe he had any contacts in Washington.

"It was basically a follow-the-money-type thing ... through his credit cards," Lapsley said. "We tracked him to the hotel room that he had taken with his credit cards."

A statewide bulletin with a description of the vehicle had gone out, and RDU police notified Clayton officers at about 1 a.m. that the car was found.

Lapsley added that the warrants for Violette's arrest were handed down between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m., and "we were pretty much already on his trail by then."

D.C. police said Violette was awaiting an extradition hearing. Lapsley said Clayton police hoped he would appear in court Monday for an extradition hearing and be back in North Carolina by the middle of the week.

I don't know what would possess someone to kill their child at all, let alone in such a dramatic and horrid way, I can only say that there is no punishment that will ever make up for what has been done.

Clayton child found decapitated
4-year-old's father taken into custody

In lieu of flowers, the family asked that contributions be made to the church for a new playground to be dedicated in Katlin's memory.
Colonial Baptist Church
6051 Tryon Road
Cary, NC 27518
(919) 233-9100



Anonymous said…
There are no words to convey my sympathy to her mother and family. I can't imagine ANYONE doing such a horrible thing to a child, much less a parent! There is a special place in hell for that man.
Anonymous said…
After hearing this story on the news last night I was so disgusted that I couldnt fall asleep. I am simply not willing to accept that there are people that horrible out there. There is no sentence suitable for such a cruel and twisted human. I wonder how any defense attorney willing to represent such a monster can look at himself in the mirror every day...its sickening.
Jeniffer said…
There are no words to explain the heartache we feel for Amber (katlyns Mom) Amber is actually a very close friend of the family and I can assure you she needs all the support she can get. Our family has also donated money to help with expenses at this hard time. If you wanted to do the same call the Clayton Police Department for information. I am sure there is something set up. Thanks and god bless.
Anonymous said…
I grew up with John's sister. I saw him a lot. He was three years younger than I. What blows me away is how did the guy I knew through my high school friend, who came from a really nice family, who appeared so normal back then find the rage and anger to do this...It scares me. Makes me look at every individual I come across in a different light. So so sad.

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