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Baytown Rapist Faces More Charges

The allegedBaytown rapist who police say has been stalking and sexually attacking multiple men in Texas, which I spoke to you about before, seems to be facing more charges, and even more are expected in the unusual case.

Prosecutors have charged Keith Chester Hill with six total charges involving the sexual assaults of young men in the Baytown area. He is charged with three counts of aggravated robbery, two counts of aggravated kidnapping and one count of sexual assault. These charges are from two of the five cases that Hill is facing.

There are three more cases the detectives are working on and everyone is expecting more charges to be filed. So far, authorities say that he has been very cooperative and has even confessed.

"He has given our detectives a confession in the cases that we have and he's given them some details about the incidents," said Lt. John Martin with the Harris County Sheriff's Department. "For example, he told our detectives that he had stalked some of these victims days prior to the attacks. Sometimes he would follow them in his vehicle and in one of the cases, he told our detectives he had entered the complainant's residence days before the attack."

Keith Chester Hill was arrested after DNA linked him to attacks on the victims, all of whom were men. News reports came out a few days ago that Hill had also posted photos of at least one victim on his Myspace, while detailing how he stalked and attacked him. He is currently being held on total bond of $600,000 in the Harris County jail.

What has set this case apart from most serial rapists, is that all the known victims are males, and that he didn't kill his victims. Police believe that he stalked his victims, and that his attacks were planned out, as Hill has admitted to being in the victims' homes prior to the attacks.

Due to the emotional disturbance that most male rape victims feel, there is reason to suspect that some victims have not yet come forward, and police say that the last known assault was in November of last year.

For a little background on male victims of rape, and they problems that they face:
Much has been written about the psychological trauma associated with the rape of female victims. While less research has been conducted about male rape victims, case research suggests that males also commonly experience many of the reactions that females experience. These reactions include: depression, anger, guilt, self-blame, sexual dysfunctions, flashbacks, and suicidal feelings (Isley, 1991). Other problems facing males include an increased sense of vulnerability, damaged self-image and emotional distancing (Mezey & King, 1989). Male rape victims not only have to confront unsympathetic attitudes if they choose to press charges, they also often hear unsupportive statements from their friends, family and acquaintances (Brochman, 1991). People will tend to fault the male victim instead of the rapist. Stephen Donaldson, president of Stop Prisoner Rape (a national education and advocacy group), says that the suppression of knowledge of male rape is so powerful and pervasive that criminals such as burglars and robbers sometimes rape their male victims as a sideline solely to prevent them from going to the police.

My sincere hope is that anyone who may have fell victim to this monster will reach out and make a report to the police, and if for any reason they feel unable to do that- then I hope that they at least seek out someone who can help them get through this traumatic crime.

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