My children are not for sale. You may openly support pedophiles by your absolute refusal to remove material that clearly supports and promotes the pedophile agenda of mainstreaming the sexual abuse of our children, despite the moral and legal objections to doing so... and I might not be able to convince you that the best interest of our children is not only being pushed aside- but it is being trampled upon by your willingness to sell such offensive material- however nothing will stop me from continuing to ask you to step to the plate for the sake of children everywhere. Once again, I must ask you to look at the bottom dollar, and realize that a few pennies from the sale of a book that promotes the sexual exploitation of our children, is not worth the damage being done daily to countless children in the name of "child love".
Your failure to listen, your failure to pick the well being of children over the revenue from selling this book, will come back to haunt you.
Amazon removed one of the links it had to the book, but is still selling the same trash here. And while Kraft said it is removing the ads, they are currently showing up, and yes they have been informed. We'll see how long it takes to actually take them down.
Please continue to check out AZ for updates on this important issue.
Your failure to listen, your failure to pick the well being of children over the revenue from selling this book, will come back to haunt you.
Thank you for taking the time to visit us at and for letting us know about your experience in connection with a promotional effort running on
We want to assure you that we did not intend and would never want to offend anyone with our marketing efforts. We respect your point-of-view on this matter and we have shared your comments with the appropriate marketing and advertising teams.
You may have noticed that Amazon has experimented with cross-merchandising. This means that consumers shopping in various categories will see randomly-selected cross-promotional offers from other categories. So consumers who "click" on (or select) a particular book may see a message regarding offerings from the grocery category. That message may occasionally call out a Kraft item or promotion such as the one you saw. offers a wide range of titles for purchase. Currently, there is no mechanism to prevent our brand promotions from being placed alongside books that don't meet our content standards. Therefore, has agreed to remove their cross- merchandising promotion for Kraft products from their book category. While we already have a strong content policy in place regarding on-line advertising and inappropriate sites, we continue to work closely with our on-line partners to ensure this policy is implemented appropriately.
Again, we appreciate your bringing this to our attention. We hope that you will look favorably on Kraft in the future.
Kip DeForest
Executive Representative
Amazon removed one of the links it had to the book, but is still selling the same trash here. And while Kraft said it is removing the ads, they are currently showing up, and yes they have been informed. We'll see how long it takes to actually take them down.
Please continue to check out AZ for updates on this important issue.