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A Stolen Treasure

A few months back, I was out shopping with the little ones, and we were just leaving the store when I saw to older gentlemen standing off to the side of the exit. There was a small table beside them, and on the table there was a bucket filled with little fake flowers. I took the few dollars left over from shopping, and dropped them into the kids' hands, leading them towards the smiling men- noticing just how much like my grandfather they both looked, which made me smile in return.

My kids, recalling the times I've refused to buy anything from sidewalk salesmen (or saleskids), were a little taken by my sudden willingness to buy a few silly flowers, but I quickly assured them that we hadn't bought anything, we were just saying thank you. I told them that those two men, who had gently traded them the flowers for the dollars- had once been soldiers, and that they had once fought for our lives. I explained that they had served our country, in a way that only a true hero could- and that because of their service, we owned them our respect, and our thanks.

I like to believe that regardless of what war we may or may not support, regardless of what direction we face politically- that we all are willing to acknowledge the heroic efforts of all of America's soldier- both present and past. I believe that it is our duty to teach our children to have that same respect- to remind them of who willingly served to protect each of us, who bravely fought for our future. It saddens me to know that not only are some unwilling to teach their children that respect that our military personal is due, but there are some that would even disgrace us all by shamelessly violating something as sacred as a memorial to those who fought- by stealing invaluable items from the U.S.S. Yorktown, a World War II aircraft carrier.

The historic Yorktown also houses the Medal of Honor Museum, and is home to the headquarters of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.

Inside the museum are several display cases featuring Medals of Honor awarded to recipients from all five branches of military service. These are priceless honors, and educating people about them is a duty which the CMOH considers sacred.

The CMOH society's membership includes Americans of all races and from all walks of society. The following excerpt from the Society's web site explains why members and supporters of this unique institution consider their mission so important:

"No amount of money, power or influence can buy one's rite of passage to this exclusive circle, and unlike almost any other organization, this group's members hope that there will be NO MORE INDUCTEES. Beyond this attitude towards recruitment, about all they have in common is a passionate love for the United States of America and the distinct honor of wearing our Nation's highest award for military valor, The Medal of Honor."

On the morning of June 27, 2004 a cleaning crew discovered that someone had violated the sanctity of the CMOH's museum, and smashed the glass in one of the cases. Missing were seven invaluable Medals of Honor, dating as far back as the Civil War and stretching through the Boxer Rebellion, World War II, and Vietnam. Also gone were a hat and jacket worn by Adm. William "Bull" Halsey during his WWII campaign in the Pacific.

This week, America's Most Wanted is profiling this disgraceful crime, and hoping that anyone with information will come forward. For more information, and a written preview of the episode, please see: AMW- Congressional Medals Of Honor Stolen

Regardless of your personal feeling about any war- the men and women who have sacrificed their time, and in many cases their lives in order to serve this country deserve to have the respect of the American people, and they deserve to have their medals returned to their proper place. What better way to tell them thanks, then supporting the effort to find those responsible for this crime brought to justice?

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