(new updates at bottom of post)
UPDATE: As I was preparing to post this, an alert came in on "christopher michael barrios". It seems that police have found the little boy, and it's not good news.
I know, even before I hit the publish button, that what I am about to say is neither legal, moral, or politically correct. However, I've had a damn bad day, and to be perfectly honest with all of you- I don't give a rats ass about these lying scum bags. So, without any more "sorry for saying this folks":
Can't we just take these four people out back and start stoning them already?

You know, as well as I do that these four people have been up to no good. A little innocent boy is missing- and they are busy leading police on the wild goose chase from hell. The sad fact is, if these four were involved- it's more than likely that this sweet little boy is gone. And if they are not involved... then they have willfully been wasting the time of the police, and those who have been vigorously searching for him. Either way, not one of them are worth the air they are breathing.
George David Edenfield, his mother and his father, and a family friend were arrested this week after having given various stories about Christopher to police. George David Edenfield is a convicted sex offender, dating back to a charge in 1997.
Police had spent two days looking in an area where the family friend, and the father had claimed to have buried the little boy, and upon expanding the search area today, they found his body. The news is stating that while the boy wasn't buried, he was under a material of sorts (not being named at this time). Cause of death isn't being given, although LE has made it very clear that the child was murdered.- Latest Source
UPDATE: As I was preparing to post this, an alert came in on "christopher michael barrios". It seems that police have found the little boy, and it's not good news.
The body of Christopher Michael Barrios was discovered after police arrested four suspects -- included a registered sex offender living nearby -- who told a confusing and contradictory welter of stories that suggested Christopher was abducted, killed and buried, authorities said.
n the week since 6-year-old Christopher Michael Barrios vanished while playing near his trailer-park home, police have arrested four suspects who have told a confusing and contradictory welter of stories that suggest the boy was abducted, killed and buried. But investigators have yet to find the youngster, and are not sure what to believe.
"It's frustrating when you have someone that tells you something and they're reasonably certain of it and you check it and it turns out not to be the case. And then they tell you different," Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering said Thursday.
Late Monday, police forced their way into the trailer where a convicted child molester, a mentally slow 32-year-old man by the name of George David Edenfield, lived with his parents. Edenfield's mother told police the boy was being kept inside, still alive. That lead proved false.
The shifting story took a grimmer turn when Edenfield's father and a family friend told authorities they buried Christopher's body in dense woods a quarter-mile from the trailer park. They agreed to lead investigators to the grave. But more than 10 hours of searching late Tuesday and early Wednesday yielded nothing.
The police chief said he believes all four were involved in Christopher's disappearance, but he would not say exactly how, or what he thinks happened to Christopher.
I know, even before I hit the publish button, that what I am about to say is neither legal, moral, or politically correct. However, I've had a damn bad day, and to be perfectly honest with all of you- I don't give a rats ass about these lying scum bags. So, without any more "sorry for saying this folks":
Can't we just take these four people out back and start stoning them already?

You know, as well as I do that these four people have been up to no good. A little innocent boy is missing- and they are busy leading police on the wild goose chase from hell. The sad fact is, if these four were involved- it's more than likely that this sweet little boy is gone. And if they are not involved... then they have willfully been wasting the time of the police, and those who have been vigorously searching for him. Either way, not one of them are worth the air they are breathing.
George David Edenfield, his mother and his father, and a family friend were arrested this week after having given various stories about Christopher to police. George David Edenfield is a convicted sex offender, dating back to a charge in 1997.
George David Edenfield, a mentally slow 32-year-old man who lived with his parents across the street from the boy's grandmother, was arrested earlier this week and charged with violating his probation from a 1997 child molestation conviction, which prohibits him from contact with children. Police said he admitted playing a role in Christopher's disappearance, but they would not be more specific.
Edenfield's parents were jailed on charges of obstruction and lying to police because they first denied knowing anything about the boy's disappearance, then later said they knew he had been abducted, authorities said.
Police had spent two days looking in an area where the family friend, and the father had claimed to have buried the little boy, and upon expanding the search area today, they found his body. The news is stating that while the boy wasn't buried, he was under a material of sorts (not being named at this time). Cause of death isn't being given, although LE has made it very clear that the child was murdered.- Latest Source
God Bless and Peace and Love to you Christopher!
Those inbred bastards deserve the most painfull cruelest death, they need to suffer just like little Christopher.
If there is a God, please, please give the family the strenght to somewhow overcome this horrible pain.
I consider mself to be somewhat liberal on several different fronts, but I gotta tell ya... violent crimes ain't one of them, especially when they are this horrible. I agree... fair trial? Who cares? Their lives should end, and while I couldn't even kill a mouse, I would be more than happy to flip the switch. Seriously.
No person, let alone a young, vulnerable, beautiful little boy deserves to have their life end in this way.
It's heartbreaking.