(This is the second installment of a mini series of posts, the next installment will appear soon. Previous Post Here.)
After changing his name, under the guise of "finding himself", David Alway could easily forget the family that had raised him, the values that his schooling had taught him and be free to investigate the world.
An entire world, completely open to possibilities...
In early 1992, David was living at 171 St Botolph St, in Boston, Massachusetts. It was here that his troubles really began. He was living in debt, owning money to numerous businesses. His credit was hurting, with outstanding debts with everyone from American Express to Discover Card. He had outstanding taxes due to the State, and medical bills coming in from as far as California. David, did the only reasonable thing for a man like him- he filed bankruptcy- begging the court to grant him pardons on his bills. Later in his life, he'd learn to make good use of his need for handouts.
As bad as David was with handling his own finances, it didn't sway him from attempting to recover and reinvent himself yet again with another bold move. Just months after his chapter 11 adventure, David set off for Prague. He had plans to partner in a business and make a real name for himself.
David and his partner described their new found business as a "consultancy specializing in the fields of telecommunications and information technology". His personal bio for the company didn't include his religious upbringing, or detail his education in the states, instead it seemed to highlight his work at banks, his time overseas, and his employment "widely-respected English-language publication, where he worked as a business reporter, primarily specialized in telecommunications and IT."
Despite their best intentions, the business David and his partner ran couldn't seem to escape the shadow of his past failures, and the telecommunications consultancy company he had once been so proud of broke apart before his eyes. He left the Czech Republic, briefly living in Boston in 2002, before ending up in Milan, Italy by 2003.
But his business wasn't the only thing that David had watched fall apart. In fact, by 2000 David had already seen his short lived marriage fall apart- leaving a young daughter in the wake of a torn relationship. And he was already long parted from the family he'd grown up with, cutting them out of his life for good.
To David it must have seemed as if he was always out of place, always just falling short of being successful, always on the losing side of the game. With a history full of failures, and little money to live on, he'd spend the next few short years traveling abroad, even stopping by South France for a while, but never really being able to find a place to settle down.
But, David would soon be trying his hand at a new game, one the could give him the fame and success that he'd always been searching for...