And I'm not talking about just the priests either.
A while back Fox reported that a family had been forced to leave their church, when the leaders of the church decided to show love for the child molested who abuse the little girl. The reaction or "defense" from the church went like this:
Not long after that, the sicko's at the pedologs were discussing how one would volunteer at his church, in order to get closer to the little girl he was stalking. Although, in fairness, they didn't call it stalking- they had their own bullshit term for it.
This next story, well it wraps up in one horrific event the entire reason why we should be doing everything possible in order to keep these freaks out of God's House. I know, God is a forgiving god. He's loving and generous- however I am forced to believe that there is a special place in hell for this guy:
Some people are beyond sick.
A while back Fox reported that a family had been forced to leave their church, when the leaders of the church decided to show love for the child molested who abuse the little girl. The reaction or "defense" from the church went like this:
College Park Church, which one counseling director called a “hospital for sinners,” would not be doing its job if it did not help "both the crime victim and the victimizer," Doug Pabody, a counseling director, told The Indianapolis Star.
"I've been in churches where things like this would happen and no attempt would be made to minister (to the accused), which is a shame," Pabody told the newspaper. "They're pushed out the door and made to go away, and I, for one, am very proud to be part of a church family that isn't afraid to go into the trenches."
Not long after that, the sicko's at the pedologs were discussing how one would volunteer at his church, in order to get closer to the little girl he was stalking. Although, in fairness, they didn't call it stalking- they had their own bullshit term for it.
This next story, well it wraps up in one horrific event the entire reason why we should be doing everything possible in order to keep these freaks out of God's House. I know, God is a forgiving god. He's loving and generous- however I am forced to believe that there is a special place in hell for this guy:
According to police, the boy was alone inside a restroom of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg when Thomas Umbaugh, 49, allegedly assaulted him.
Police said Umbaugh told them he had an uncontrollable urge while attending the church's spaghetti dinner.
The boy's mother was standing outside the bathroom when the assault occurred, police said. Police said she had no idea what was going on inside.
Umbaugh was under the care of a caseworker as terms of his probation after being released from prison in Armstrong County. Authorities said Armstrong spent 10 years in jail there for molesting another boy.
Some people are beyond sick.