Seeing as I'm in the mood to try new blog things- I figured I'd start giving you sneak peeks at what is coming up here in the near future along with odds and ends of what is going on with the crime blogging world. I hope to finish my miniseries on David Alway , I know... it's long overdue huh? Along with doing the AMW previews and peeks at crime documentaries airing on MSNBC , I hope to be bringing you a special edition related to the Duke/Nifong case- in which I'm looking to include a review of one of the first (if not the first) books out on the case. I also will be posting on some older cases- long time readers are sure to want to stop by to check out some of the unexpected updates in these. On a different note, Steve Huff, who is along with Trench Reynolds- responsible for making crime blogging what it is today, has a new blog. It's not exactly crime exclusive - but given Steve's talented method of writing interesting pieces, I expect it'll be enjoyed j...