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David, The Devaint Years

This is the fourth part of a mini series on the life of David Alway. Please read the previous posts if you haven't yet:
David, The Early Years
David, The Failure Years (Part II)
David, The Pained Years
Having gotten to know a little more about David, his upbringing and his life in the previous posts, we're all left with a lingering question:

Just who is David Alway, and what has become of him?

David's upbringing, including his time at faith based schools had been an attempt to instill finer beliefs in his heart- to help shape him into a productive and well adjusted member of society. A love for God, even a love for country. His parents encouraged him to be a "good person", to do the right things, to strive for success.

But David had other plans, and so after his failures, after his bankruptcy (more, more, more), after disowning the family that had loved him since he was a little boy, after the ruin of his marriage, after the failure of his business- he opted to follow his plans. Regardless of the effect his actions would have.

He'd brand himself as one who loved children, one who could appreciate what he considered "their beauty". He'd write about the way he felt their rights were being violated. He'd insult and chastise those who would question his beliefs. He'd encourage others to form together in order to defend the rights he felt the children were denied. He'd move about from country to country, looking for a home where he'd be more free to do as he wanted.

You see, the "rights" he so fiercely believes children are denied, aren't really rights at all. No, David, despite seeing the effects first hand of sexual abuse and how it effected his entire family, believes that sexual relationships between small children and adults should not only be legal- but that they should be encouraged.

He'd start websites, become sort of a "leader" in a new world- he'd be the poster boy for those with black hearts and repulsive desires. He'd begin a whole new life- while disregarding the very teachings that those who'd loved him had attempted to instill in him.

I know, you're thinking back to the first part of this series, where I told you that David Alway had changed his name. You're starting to put two and two together... and your coming up with the answer to just who David Alway really is... at least those of you who have hung around here for a while are.

For the sake of those that may be new, I'll give you one last hint:

David Alway, the name behind the pedofreak

That's right, David Alway is no one other than the infamous sicko pervert- Lindsay Ashford. Best known for his "girllove" sites and his rabid belief that all children, regardless of age, have the ability and desire to be sexually involved with adults.

David, or Lindsay Ashford as he now is known, runs a mass of websites- all devoted to encouraging the sexual exploitation of children by adults. He even has a site geared towards convincing young girls that sexual relationship with adults are not only "okay" but that they are very much to be desired. He considers them "special" and something that benefits the girls. Most of his self run sites fall under the domain There you can find Manifesto, which is nothing more than the creed of sexual deviants, the site mentioned above, Sugar and Spice which of course, states that it's "just for girls" without mentioning the pervs that support it. And, you can even find his blog- a place where he touts his ambitions to crush the innocents of children everywhere by legalizing sexual abuse of them... and oddly enough he also includes his frequent rants about how much he despises the United States. (He doesn't mention much of his family, the pain they suffered, or the abuse his sister survived though.) David can also be found as a regular commenter at the pedologs (or girlchat as they prefer to call it), where he encourages other sicko pedophiles to fight for the legalized sexual abuse of children and complains about the "suffering" he experiences due to his heinous desires. You can even read about his blatant disregard for the well being of children at Wikipedia- where many of his online activities have been documented for those interested.

Yes, it seems that David Alway, or Lindsay Ashford closed his mind to the lessons he learned in grammar school about being a better person, about putting others first- instead he has taken with the idea of promoting the very thing that once caused his family so much pain- that thing that has haunted his own sister to this day- sexual molestation. He's forgotten the pain, the feeling of betrayal left by the abuse and instead decided to become like the old man who assaulted her... he'd rather prey upon children than use his experiences to help protect them.

David Alway, the adopted and loved little boy from a God fearing family that became a monster using his ambitions to prey on children. He even pokes fun at the idea of sexually abusing children, as seen by his recent "pun" on the Virginia Anti Rape site. His site, is nothing short of disgusting- although it gives a glimpse of just how deviant this man really is.

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