I've made a few minor changes to the site. Nothing big. Just small little things that I hope will improve the site for you.
There's a new poll feature- on the left, towards the top. That'll give me an idea of what types of cases are most important to you.
There's still three columns, the main with the posts in now in the center.
There's a new search feature, top right, that will allow you to look for certain posts- given you can recall something about it.
I've changed the archives into a calender format. Just because.
The top 8 categories (known in blogger as labels) are now available in tabs across the top- click one, you'll get the last 100 posts in that label. If you click on a label IN a post, it will pop up recent posts within that label in a summery display across the top of the page. If you click on label heading in the left side bar, it'll take you to a page full of posts in that label group.
Recent comments still show- scroll down towards the bottom left sidebar. Although, I'm trying to figure out if I should bring back blogger comments, or stick with haloscan.
Anyhow... it was all just minor changes that I hope will make it a little more pleasant to navigate around here.
There's a new poll feature- on the left, towards the top. That'll give me an idea of what types of cases are most important to you.
There's still three columns, the main with the posts in now in the center.
There's a new search feature, top right, that will allow you to look for certain posts- given you can recall something about it.
I've changed the archives into a calender format. Just because.
The top 8 categories (known in blogger as labels) are now available in tabs across the top- click one, you'll get the last 100 posts in that label. If you click on a label IN a post, it will pop up recent posts within that label in a summery display across the top of the page. If you click on label heading in the left side bar, it'll take you to a page full of posts in that label group.
Recent comments still show- scroll down towards the bottom left sidebar. Although, I'm trying to figure out if I should bring back blogger comments, or stick with haloscan.
Anyhow... it was all just minor changes that I hope will make it a little more pleasant to navigate around here.