Florida police say that 45 year old Jeff Doland of Uniontown Ohio traveled to Miami in order to meet with a woman he'd met online. In their online conversations, Doland had offered to pay the woman (who was really an undercover police officer) for the "dunking' sessions in which he wanted to hold "her daughters" under water until they lost consciousness, calling it his means of sexual gratification, and that he enjoyed "watching the bubbles."
But wait, this case gets worse... because it turns out he was a school computer technician with two step kids and his very own backyard swimming pool. Yep, worked at a school, had stepchildren and a pool.
Superintendent Wade Lucas said the district shut down Doland's access to district information late Wednesday as the arrest was announced by the Florida attorney general. "It is my understanding that he had no direct contact with children," Lucas said.
Doland was Green's director of technology until April, when he accepted a job with a computer company that provides technology services to the district on a contract basis. He had an office in Green Intermediate School.
More coverage from Fox.
And this:
According to Doland's arrest papers, he was planning to have young girls perform sex acts on each other and on him.
He even brought three choke collars with him, allegedly to be used by the mother and girls.
From an updated News Five story.