A few things to clear up this morning...
First, Jack McClellan is second guessing his leaving the beautiful child filled state of Cali:
And second, a lawyer has stepped up hoping to cash in on Jacks case by offering his services "Pro Bono":
The phone number given belongs to Richard Mario Procida. Now, he's an interesting guy. First, he's a lawyer. Second, he wrote a book!! Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Pornography. I've never read the book, but the reviews weren't so hot:
He tries really really hard to explain his interest in this case, via a post at girlchat.
That's not the only thing of interest going on at girlchat over Jack:
Now, it seems that despite my great post about how Jack isn't likely to be a murderer... people just cant help themselves:
Buying into the bullshit. Sad.
Even worse is that the news media is just jumping on this completely insane theory:
Other than just referring you back to my post on why this nonsense isn't likely, let me say this, which I recently stated in an email:
That's not to say that he didn't get a high off of knowing about the case. I believe that Jack, used his participation in girlchat in order to sort of live vicariously off of the the stories of the other members, and the children they claim to have in their lives. He introduced his site to them, as a sort of exchange- it was something that he thought would make him equal to the others, despite not being able to claim a "little friend".
I just don't think killing a child would be in Jack's nature- his attraction to hookers was based on the fact that he believed that they wouldn't be judging him... his decline into pedophilia was based upon the same lines of thinking. His comments, this is a man that is looking for a long term victim to satisfy his desire to be accepted. He believes that if he could quickly befriend a child- then he could perhaps convince that child that he was worth loving, despite his inability to offer the child much. In fact- most of his reluctance for doing it the "old fashioned way" where he befriends parents of children is that he is keenly aware of his being on a lower mental and social scale- thus limiting the chance that he would find acceptable adults with children to interact with.
Personally, I'd say that if Jack did have any victims out there, it'd be the child of a poor single working and struggling mother, in need of a not so much a friend, but someone willing to watch her children.
And I have to provide the response to those comments, because I believe that everyone has the right to know what is going on here:
Interesting, as it was the very same day as the radio interview.
Look, Jack is creepy. His desires are unnatural. He sickens me, and most of the public. But... are we really willing to go down this road where we convince ourselves that he's the next Joseph Duncan, despite evidence that he's not- just to feel better about the fact that he disgusts us?
(Side note, I've had all this information for days, and have it documented to prove it. I didn't post it sooner- because I had hoped people were better than this. I'm saddened to see that they aren't.)
First, Jack McClellan is second guessing his leaving the beautiful child filled state of Cali:
Message from Jack McClellan
Posted by Jack McClellan on Monday, August 27 2007 at 06:34:59pm
I finally got my computer discs back from the UCLA Police Department today (they had all my e-mail and GC passwords on them), and am planning on leaving California within the next couple of days unless someone in the L.A. area helps me out with shelter and pro-bono legal representation. I tried to stand up to this absurd court order that I'm under as long as possible, but because I'm still living in my car, I feel that it is only a matter of time before I violate the order again no matter how hard I try to obey it.
The arrest and jail stay was the most horrific experience of my life, and my rights were violated numerous times in the process, including:
UCLA cops destroyed my cell phone -- apparently by slamming it into the pavement or frying the battery by connecting it to my car battery.
UCLA cops seized my computer discs and digital camera without adequate justification (now returned 2 weeks later after I took a TV crew to their headquarters to reclaim it).
I was forced to strip nude in the vicinity of female jail staff.
I was placed in a hard-core "segregation" unit with gang-bangers and murderers -- who threatened me with death and violence almost continually (they knew who I was the moment I was placed in my cell). We had our own cells and were locked down 24 hours a day, but I was still in constant fear that my cell door was going to be opened and some pedo-hater let in.
I was denied any phone calls to make bail or for any other purpose (one jail deputy said "Fuck your bail!").
One jail deputy punched me in the heart.
I was denied all requests for medication (I repeatedly asked for tranquilizers) and medical attention.
I was given about one-quarter of the normal dinner for two days.
They made a big production out of it when they released me, and said they were going to get me a cab from the L.A. jail to the Santa Monica area (where my car was towed), then changed their mind and just tossed me a couple of bus tokens and told me to leave (not surprisingly, there were some young toughs who immediately recognized me outside the perimiter of the jail property, and I probably would have been assaulted if a TV crew hadn't been there -- you can see that video on YouTube). Eventually some mental health workers from the LAPD showed up (the jail is run by LA County Sheriff deputies), and drove me out to my car.
I don't want to denigrate all the cops I came into contact with during this ordeal, because some of them treated me fair and straight -- but a considerable number didn't hide their hostility toward me, and were obviously determined to screw me any way they could.
I don't have the time to fool around with back-and-forth e-mail messages for days, so if anyone is serious about helping me stay in California, please call me immediately at my new cell phone number: 310-266-1452. For our mutual safety and piece of mind, we could meet up at a police station during normal business hours. If you must e-mail, it's probably not a good idea to contact me through my old Fastmail box because the cops got ahold of the password and may be monitoring it, so use my new gmail box: (jmcclellan2007@gmail.com)
And second, a lawyer has stepped up hoping to cash in on Jacks case by offering his services "Pro Bono":
Please Have Jack Contact Me
Posted by Rockhard on Tuesday, August 28 2007 at 04:50:32pm
In reply to Helping Jack McClellan posted by Howard Kline on Tuesday, August 28 2007 at 02:48:57pm
I'm an attorney and I want to take Jack's case Pro Bono. If anyone can contact him and have him e-mail me or call my office at (562) 945-0242.

Written by an attorney in private practice and a professor of public affairs and law, the book is strongest in its legal analysis. In its efforts to analyze social behavior, the book's treatment is haphazard.
He tries really really hard to explain his interest in this case, via a post at girlchat.
I want to answer your questions as best I can. First, I am committed to Jack's cause, because I believe that those with a sexual preference toward children are unfairly villianized and are a part of a discrete and insular minority whose free speech rights need to be protected in order to protect the free speech rights of everyone.
That's not the only thing of interest going on at girlchat over Jack:
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 19:01:15 -0700
From: "Anthony D. Zinnanti"
Subject: Please post the following message -
Please post the following message -
Please see to it that Jack gets this message. This is serious. It's not a hoax.
Tell Jack that I had a long conversation with [edit - see reply]. It was a good talk. I know the whole story now. Further, Dale vouches for your whereabouts December 2, 2005.
They want you to come home. So, they are hoping that you will point the car north and go. Things have mellowed out in the neighborhood. They get some reporters now and then, but the neighbors are on good terms.
Look - you can't go around saying a bunch of stuff that implicates you in things. Sooner or later it's going to catch up with you. Just remember that. Don't agitate the media any more. It's not helping you.
To validate that I really spoke with them, they wanted me to tell you that Kiwi misses working on the car with you.
Call [edit] and let him know what's going on and how you're doing.
Anthony D. Zinnanti, Esq.
A Professional Law Corporation
23822 W. Valencia Blvd, Ste 210
Valencia, California 91355-5349
Telephone: 661.287.6100
Facsimile: 661.554.0197
E-Mail: adz@adzlaw.com
Now, it seems that despite my great post about how Jack isn't likely to be a murderer... people just cant help themselves:
Now he is being sought as a possible suspect in thr death of 10 year old Adreanna Jackson of Lakewood, Wa. where jack McClellan also happened to live at the time. Read the story below and the coincidences just pile up.
Buying into the bullshit. Sad.
Even worse is that the news media is just jumping on this completely insane theory:
At the end of the 45 minutes of incredible Law and Order-like radio, Rick tries to nail McClellan down. Rick invites McClellan to come to the radio station, along with Zinnanti, to sit and answer more legal questions regarding this murder.
Other than just referring you back to my post on why this nonsense isn't likely, let me say this, which I recently stated in an email:
That's not to say that he didn't get a high off of knowing about the case. I believe that Jack, used his participation in girlchat in order to sort of live vicariously off of the the stories of the other members, and the children they claim to have in their lives. He introduced his site to them, as a sort of exchange- it was something that he thought would make him equal to the others, despite not being able to claim a "little friend".
I just don't think killing a child would be in Jack's nature- his attraction to hookers was based on the fact that he believed that they wouldn't be judging him... his decline into pedophilia was based upon the same lines of thinking. His comments, this is a man that is looking for a long term victim to satisfy his desire to be accepted. He believes that if he could quickly befriend a child- then he could perhaps convince that child that he was worth loving, despite his inability to offer the child much. In fact- most of his reluctance for doing it the "old fashioned way" where he befriends parents of children is that he is keenly aware of his being on a lower mental and social scale- thus limiting the chance that he would find acceptable adults with children to interact with.
Personally, I'd say that if Jack did have any victims out there, it'd be the child of a poor single working and struggling mother, in need of a not so much a friend, but someone willing to watch her children.
And I have to provide the response to those comments, because I believe that everyone has the right to know what is going on here:
I agree with you. I don't see Jack actually doing a killing. But, I believe he could be indirectly involved. He's in that circle and I think he must know something. He's also great at playing people.
Interesting, as it was the very same day as the radio interview.
Look, Jack is creepy. His desires are unnatural. He sickens me, and most of the public. But... are we really willing to go down this road where we convince ourselves that he's the next Joseph Duncan, despite evidence that he's not- just to feel better about the fact that he disgusts us?
(Side note, I've had all this information for days, and have it documented to prove it. I didn't post it sooner- because I had hoped people were better than this. I'm saddened to see that they aren't.)