Anger. Power. Control. Violence. Dominance. These are the forces that are behind rapes. It's not sexual desire that causes one to sexually assault another, it's not the need for sexual gratification. It's sex used as a weapon in order to overpower, to dominate, to punish- to cause the ultimate amount of humiliation by violating a persons body and mind.
If we know, and understand that sexual gratification isn't the leading factor in rape, then why do people expect us to believe that by merely limiting the need for that sexual contact- we'll be able to reduce the risks that a serial rapist will offend again?
I'm sorry, but castration will only provide another excuse for this man in his need to feel dominate over a woman. He may not be able to terrorize her sexually in one fashion- but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that castration only limits certain functions- leaving him able to find other means in which to sexual assault someone.
If we know, and understand that sexual gratification isn't the leading factor in rape, then why do people expect us to believe that by merely limiting the need for that sexual contact- we'll be able to reduce the risks that a serial rapist will offend again?
Bobby James Allen pleaded guilty Monday to three counts of armed sexual battery and various other charges involving attacks that happened in 1998 and 1999. Allen filed a motion requesting castration in exchange for a reduced sentence.
Circuit Judge Michael Overstreet agreed to sentence Allen to 25 years' prison on Sept. 20 if has the procedure in the next eight days. If Allen does not go through with the operation, he faces up to life in prison.
I'm sorry, but castration will only provide another excuse for this man in his need to feel dominate over a woman. He may not be able to terrorize her sexually in one fashion- but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that castration only limits certain functions- leaving him able to find other means in which to sexual assault someone.