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It's not so much that I missed you...

I know, hiatus. I had promised myself that. And, for a few days- I was doing good. I didn't peek in on comments. I didn't read the news. I avoided watching Fox and MSNBC as if doing so would have caused a sudden and painful rash to cover my eyes. I was doing so good, you would have been so proud.

You see, while I missed blogging- I was actually enjoying my time away, it was nice not having to reflect the sickness in the world for once. And, while I missed all of you, that's not exactly what has driven me back from hiatus.

So, let's just get on with it already.

A short message to parents is evidently a requirement, as you'll soon discover why:


From the moment that you decided to have sex, you knowingly took a chance that it could end up with you being a parent. Frankly, I care not if the condom broke, the birth control pill was one of the .5% that failed to control, or if for some reason you were just to damn drunk. You took a chance- and it ended up with you being given that often highly sought after title of "mom" or "dad". At that moment, you also became responsible for the life and wellbeing of someone else. Despite your one time romp with being the "only" person you had to answer too, you now must stand up and answer to others. If this is something that you can not do- if you are just completely too self centered, to self indulging, too damn much of a idiot to learn to put someone- your child- before yourself, than I must, and I mean MUST insist that you do one single thing for the benefit of said child. Just once, do what is best for someone else- and put the child into the care of someone willing to put him/her first. It's simply that you can not raise a child, giving them the love and respect and protection they need- if you can't for go your selfish behavior. You child must come before everything else in your life- regardless of the personal sacrifice doing so will require.

And really, this is to the "mothers" out there, no man- not your husband, not your boyfriend, not that cute guy at the car wash- should ever be of more value to you than your child. You should not be trading your child's childhood for a simple roll in the hay. When you do- you put shame on mothers everywhere, and worst of all- you validate to the rest of us just how much of a worthless piece of trash you really are, and proves that stupid people shouldn't be reproducing.


Now, to be fair, most of you are not in need of lessons on parenting. To be fair- most of you know how to be loving parents, and so the letter doesn't apply to you. But, I have to say- it does apply to people like this:

Posted by Frianne on Wednesday, September 12 2007 at 02:43:21pm
I have a questions for someone who is willing to answer. I am a 43 year old mother of 2 (girl 10 boy 15). Their dad died two years ago. I met a guy who is 30 and we started dating (his idea). Well, to make a long story short, he molested my 10 year old daughter. He went to a therapist for help which ended up leading to his arrest. He is now waiting for his trial, where my daugher will have to testify against him. At first I was very angry and wanted nothing to do with him. But now I find that I am very much in love with him. I have forgiven him and still want to have a life with him. I know this probably varies, but is it possible for him to be attracted to little girls and women. I have asked him if he loves me and he always says yes. But is it the right kind of love. Are their guys who are attracted to both girls and women? This is all new to me and I am trying to educate myself and understand as much as I can. I don't want to set myself up for heartache.

As a quicker refresher course- it may not be proper to seek out the advice of people who willingly admit that they are into sexually exploiting children, especially when this is the sort of advice you are seeking. However, as most of you are likely to agree with- I'm sure this woman had a reason for seeking the advice from these perverts. After all, they were the very people who she felt she could turn to... and receive the response she was really looking for.

If she was really after finding out the truth, she would have turned to any of the hundreds of thousands of victim abuse agencies located conveniently throughout the US. But... more than likely this sorry excuse for a mother was just hoping that by going to a group of people who are openly encouraging sexual abuse of children to be seen as "normal"... that she'd find a little relief for her guilt, and a little backing to her idea of forgiving this pervert. Plus... maybe it will stroke her ego a little bit by proving that he wasn't just after her daughter- he was after her too. Sickening.

Normal people, normal parents don't go from being angry that their child was abused by someone to loving that same creep.

Of course, after hearing (reading) a few responses from the pedophiles... she doesn't exactly get the ego stroking that she wanted, so she adds more:

Posted by Frianne on Thursday, September 13 2007 at 12:30:50pm
In reply to Re: Advice posted by Spherious on Thursday, September 13 2007 at 06:12:43am
Thank you so much for talking to me. I have apprecaited everyone's answers. I dated this guy for 1 year and 5 months before he touched my daughter. He has confessed to touching her, but not to "finger" penetration which she says happened. He says he doesn't remember doing that, only touching her there. That is why we have to go to court. It is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. So he will probably definitely serve some jail time. He also lived with a family before who had two little girls and he molested the older one, but I don't know for how long. He lived there about 7 or 8 years so there is no telling. I have just recently wrote to him and asked him if he was only attracted to little girls. Everyone is telling me that he just used me to get to my daughter. It's hard not to believe it, but I need for him to tell me the truth. He says that he loves me, but we have always had an issue with sex(unable to get an ere. etc.) That sends a signal to me that maybe he isnt attracted to me. I just want to understand. My daughter says that she never wants to see him again but that she is still a little mad at him but she is getting over it. I don't know how she will feel as time goes by. I feel like he is my soul mate and I love him very much. And you know no one will ever be on my side. But I have forgiven him and have decided to try to help him and maybe we can have a life together. Thanks again for your advice. I really do need it............ : )

This man has an ongoing habit of molesting children... but he's her freaking sole mate.

Seriously, someone call child protection services to save these poor children. And a doctor to serialize this idiot.


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