Aisha S. Bowen, 18, was recently caught 'acting out' on a cell phone video. But, unlike many of the girls her age that tend to behave badly when the camera is on them, Aisha wasn't just being stupid and playing around. Instead she opted to physically abuse her 10 month old son numerous times.
Of course, once Aisha was face to face with the police, she had excuses for her abusive behaviors:
She was tired, and her boyfriend told her to do it. Wow... she ought to get mother of the year for that one.
Of course, Bowen claims to be a proud parent (rather than a child abuser) on her myspace account, Crisp at least was wise enough to keep his claims to himself on his account.
According to authorities, on Jan. 13, a resident went to the Ocala Police Department with a Sprint Treo cell phone that he recently had purchased and showed them a video clip of the woman hitting the child. The police report notes that the video shows the child being struck multiple times while being picked up by his arm, and shows him being carried to a bedroom and placed in a playpen, where he was again hit before being forced to lie down.
The video was transferred from the phone onto a CD and placed into evidence.
During their investigation, officers found the phone was previously owned by Jason Crisp, for whom they found an address, and that Aisha S. Bowen was at the same location.
Of course, once Aisha was face to face with the police, she had excuses for her abusive behaviors:
She reportedly admitted she was the one on the video and told police "she was tired and upset" when her son knocked a bowl of spaghetti off her lap while at the apartment. Bowen claimed Crisp yelled at her and told her to hit her son and she did. Crisp, the report noted, was recording and narrating the incident. A witness who was present corroborated Bowen's story. Bowen was taken to the Marion County Jail.
She was tired, and her boyfriend told her to do it. Wow... she ought to get mother of the year for that one.
Of course, Bowen claims to be a proud parent (rather than a child abuser) on her myspace account, Crisp at least was wise enough to keep his claims to himself on his account.