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Mom, Boyfriend and baby

I have to start by saying that single women do have a right to date, to experience adult relationships with men despite having the 'mom' in their name. However, it never seems to fail that every few days we hear of a case where mom, boyfriend and baby equaled one baby to many- and the boyfriend has taken it upon himself to take care of the extra baggage- sometimes with the mothers consent, but most often without.

There's no excuse for a 'boyfriend' to beat a child. In fact, I find it seriously troubling that any man, regardless of the relationship he has with a mom, believes that he has the right to touch a child. I honestly believe that we ought to be enacting the age old lesson 'do unto others as you'd have done unto you' saying, and start beating a few of these assholes, as a sort of "How do you like it now, fucker?" experiment.

I'm tired of reading the same old headlines, especially when they all seem to end the same way:

Boyfriend Charged In New Castle Baby Death

I doubt that I need to quote much, as we all know what happened: mom left baby in care of boyfriend, boyfriend couldn't act like a real man and instead began beating child. Child dies from injuries. This time, in this case- it took an entire 45 minutes from the time mom left, until boyfriend called police to report the child not responding.

We can now welcome 23-year-old Mark Strickler to the special community of men who beat children to death. Bet his mom is really proud, and thanking God that none of her boyfriends ever acted like her son did.


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