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This Week On America's Most Wanted

The best part of the week is here, and hopefully you're getting ready to enjoy it. Just be sure to be around Saturday night, for America's Most Wanted- which airs at 9pm on your local Fox station. This week, the following cases will be aired:

The NorCal Rapist: Since 1991, police believe that one man has been responsible for a series of sexual assaults on women in various Northern California communities. He's been dubbed 'The NorCal Rapist' and since his last attack in October of 2006, cops have intensified the search for this serial predator.

Unknown Sean Aquitania Killer: On Sept. 14, 2007, Elk Grove School District bus driver, Cathy Snow, witnessed an unforgettable tragedy. At the end of her shift, a man ran along side her bus with a dying baby in his arms. He handed the child off to a stunned Snow, but it was too late...the 7-month-old baby's injuries were far too severe. Now, authorities in Sacramento, Calif. are on the lookout for two men responsible for the murder of young Sean Aquitania Jr. who was injured during a home invasion robbery that also claimed his father's life.

Maribel Vasquez: For months, accused madam Maribel Rodriguez Vasquez has eluded arrest by federal agents for the atrocious crimes of illegally importing young, innocent girls from Guatemala and forcing them into the brutal life of sexual servitude. Law enforcement officials recently bolstered their efforts to find Vasquez by naming her as one of the FBI's Top Ten Fugitives in Los Angeles and they say that it is only a matter of time until she is captured.

Jurel Roberson: When three army buddies on leave from Iraq headed for a night out to a Tucson, Ariz. nightclub, it seemed like the perfect recipe for some much needed rest and relaxation. However, cops say one of the men chatted up a woman, and her boyfriend -- Jurel Roberson -- may have taken their conversation the wrong way. Hours later, police tell AMW that Roberson gunned down 25-year-old Army Spc. Robert Glenn and left another man wounded in a deadly drive-by shooting.

Delbert Sampson: Delaware State Police are seeking information on the whereabouts of a convicted child molester, Delbert Duane Sampson, who they say bolted from the state after failing to register as a sex offender.

Roger Day: Investigators for the Department of Defense are gunning for a con artist with a knack for intrigue. Agents say Roger Charles Day, Jr. may have faked his own death in an attempt to escape prosecution for defrauding the DOD out of $8.4 million in defense contracts.

Pedro Ortiz: A South Boston teen, expecting a fair fight, set out to settle a score in his Dorchester, Mass. neighborhood. But when he arrived, he was mobbed by six attackers ranging in age from 16 to nearly 30. What ensued was a savage beating in full public view.

Brianna Denison: One day after Reno authorities found female remains in an industrial area of southeast Reno, an autopsy has tragically confirmed that the body is that of Brianna Denison. Police say that Brianna was found in a vacant, undeveloped field about 8 miles from where the 19-year-old college student was last seen. The field had up until recently been covered in snow and cops believe that her body had been there for more than a week. The autopsy showed that Brianna had been strangled and now Reno authorities believe that they have a serial rapist on their hands since DNA evidence has linked Brianna's case to three other incidents. The Denison family spoke with AMW today to urge the public to keep a watchful eye for clues leading to Brianna's killer because "now we're on a manhunt."

A Special Visit From Arnold Schwarzenegger: AMW host John Walsh met recently with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the Governor said he strongly believes in DNA database collection, both to convict the guilty and to exonerate the innocent.


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