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America's Most Wanted

This Saturday, at 9 pm on your local Fox station, America's Most Wanted will air the following cases:

Terrence Washington: He's one of the slipperiest fugitives we've ever encountered, and Terrence Washington has made a long career out of breaking out of prison and laying low. Most recently, he broke out of prison, seduced a woman, moved into her house, and made her believe that he's a law-abiding tool salesman before disappearing once again.

Reigh Storrow Boss: Boston police call Clark Rockefeller, accused of kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter Reigh and going on the run, a "mystery man." Cops say he recently liquidated his assets into gold, possibly preparing for a life on the lam. It turns out the man who claims to be from the famed "Rockefeller" clan isn't a Rockefeller at all. In fact, cops aren't sure who he really is.

Ricky Regalado: Unaware that he was wanted for murder, cops were surprised by the lengths that Richard Regalado went through to avoid capture after he allegedly robbed a bank in Beaumont, Calif. But months later, police finally caught up with Regalado, and he is now behind bars.

Marcos Rivera: Police say they received an anonymous tip that wanted sexual predator Marcos Rivera is staying in Brooklyn, N.Y., and that he could be found at the Port Authority bus terminal. Undercover cops staked out the area, waiting for Rivera to make his move, but haven't nailed the accused child abuser yet.

Graham Gravely: A man who served four years in prison for kidnapping is once again a wanted man and the subject of a manhunt in Arizona. Cops say 51-year-old Graham Gravely bound, raped, and burglarized a 73-year-old woman in her home on July 20, 2008, and authorities hope AMW viewers can help put Gravely back behind bars.

David Marshall: Cops say it all began innocently enough...20-year-old David Marshall met a woman at a Phoenix convenience store and later met her and a group of friends for a night of drinking and romancing. However, the house party ended with a flurry of bullets that left one man dead. The victim, 33-year-old Alan Phillips, came to the shindig late with another woman but bumped into a partygoer's car as he left the home. Police say that's when Marshall shot him three times, point-blank. Now, police are determined to take a ruthless killer off the streets.

Fairly Earls: Wisconsin Police are on the look-out for a convicted sex offender who fought for a new trial... and won .. but took off before launching the defense he claimed was his right.

Ran Mesika: Jonathan Vernier has been convicted of murdering Israeli tourist Ran Mesika, and the disturbing letters he wrote to the victim's father offer a rare glimpse into the mind of a killer.

Mo Atat: A worldwide manhunt is on for Mustapha "Crazy Mo" Mohamed Atat, who many consider to be a legend on the off-road drag racing circuit. Cops think he may be traveling between Lebanon and the U.S., and they hope someone can turn this accused killer in to authorities before his dangerous hobbies get someone else killed.

Juan Bautista: Nearly four years after Chris Applegate's life was destroyed by an accused drunk driver, her family has vowed to change the law they say allowed the suspect to get away.

Ivory Green: Family members say that missing teen Ivory Green lived fast and fell in with the wrong crowd, and on March 6, 2004, after Ivory called to say she was on her way home, police say she went missing.

Michael Barrera: Years after Michel Barrera allegedly robbed a Florida bank--police say he's still on the run. He seems to have disappeared without a trace -- and with no new leads to go on, cops are hoping someone will recognize him.

John Walsh And The FBI Put The Pedal To The Metal: AMW host John Walsh recently visited the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va. to see what ordinary men have to go through to become true G-Men. On top of repelling down walls, flying in choppers, and diffusing a mock hostage situation with a SWAT team, John spent some serious time behind the wheel with FBI driving instructor Tim Moles.


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