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Sex offenders don't reoffend

"They" tell us all the time about how sex offenders don't reoffend. About how it is the very laws we've created which cause the problems of sex offenders today. How it's not about protecting the public, but about punishing the offender even more. We've heard them say time and again that the rate of offenders who go out and continue to commit sex crimes is so low- it's barely noticeable. That sex offender treatment programs work so well, it's hardly worth bothering to monitor these predators.

I've heard it, other bloggers have heard it. The news media has heard it... and I'm sure if you want the nightly news, or read your paper, or visit a crime blog- you've seen all the excuses and heard all the 'guilt' that the sex offender supporters what you to feel.

After all, they made a mistake- shouldn't they get another chance?


Because for every time I've had to read about how sex offenders aren't the monsters we all believe they are- every time I've had to listen to some sack of human waste defend his desire to quietly blend back in with normal society... I get to read one of these:

Sex offender charged in girl's hotel death

Police Capt. Robert Colbert says 33-year-old Mathew Caylor of Auburn, Ga., told investigators he killed Melinda Denise Hinson on Tuesday. The girl's body was found by hotel staff in Caylor's room on Thursday.

Sex Offender Flashed Child At Foxwoods, Police Say
A registered sex offender was arrested Thursday night after allegedly exposing himself to a 12-year-old girl at the Foxwoods Resort Casino.

Shelton Hendricks, of 15-1 Grande Street in New London, is scheduled to appear today in Superior Court in New London. He is charged with risk of injury to a minor, public indecency, breach of peace and interfering with police.

Sex Offender Charged With Assaulting Siblings

In 2003, a metro boy told his mother that Tharbar O. Ross had sexually assaulted him. Ross, 29, was the boy's aunt's boyfriend at the time and living in the same home as the siblings. The boy was nine at the time of the alleged assaults.

The case was taken to Child Protective Services, but nothing happened with the case until his sister told police in 2007 that she had also been abused by Ross when she was four or five years old.

Ross is a registered sex offender in Texas from an incident in 2000 and denies these allegations.

Idaho Child Molester Receives National Coverage
"Idaho recently released Bradley Stowell from prison after he served just three years for sexually abusing a child. And get this, Bradley Stowell admits to molesting two dozen boys, yet he served three years," said Bill O'Reilly during Monday's "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News.

Ironically, one day after he brought up Stowell on the show, the former camp counselor who sexually abused at least 24 boys is once again behind bars.

After just five weeks of relative freedom, Stowell's parole officer discovered he not only failed at getting a job but somehow he obtained a computer.

Oh, tell me again how sex offenders are harmless... how treatment programs work... how the only thing 'hindering' a sex offender from living a peaceful crime free life is the damn registries we require them to be on.

Let me let you all in on a little secret- most of these offenders were living the 'dream life', blending in with society, walking around without a scarlet letter on their heads- no registry, no criminal history... BEFORE they were out raping women, molesting children and displaying their lack of humanity. That didn't stop them from ruining it all by committing these crimes, just as putting them on a list hasn't prevented them from getting the 'need of reentering society' enough to be less likely to offend. These people were monsters, by their own choices, before we put them on the registry. And with or with out a database of sexual offenders- they will continue to be monsters. The registry just makes it easier to spot them.


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