Detective Kurt Knapp of Tennessee has worked domestic violence cases for quite a while. While preforming his job, he's earned respect from the community and praise for those whose lives have been saved by him. He was recently awarded "Detective of the Year" from the DA's office.
What is even more telling about the character of this man, and his commitment to 'serve and protect' is the statements made in his behalf:
And yet, despite the praise and support of many people whose lives have been touched by this dedicated detective, he's been demoted and transferred to patrol, for a misjudgment that would normally be punished by " verbal or written reprimand and a maximum of three days unpaid suspension".
What could possibly be so terrible as to motivate Deputy Chief Steve Anderson to remove Knapp from his position?
Detective Knapp was caught smoking in his police car. And for that, one highly respected and passionate officer is being removed from serving the very people who need his assistance most.
If you are so inclined, feel free to contact the Nashville Police Department, and ask them to reconsider this error in judgment by D.C. Anderson. Their contact information (and even a sweet contact form) can be found here.
What is even more telling about the character of this man, and his commitment to 'serve and protect' is the statements made in his behalf:
The Coalition Against Domestic Violence "cannot imagine the domestic violence division without this standard-setting level of compassion and dedication to victims of this terrible crime."
Six different district attorneys wrote, [...] Detective Knapp does not fall within his elite group -- He tops the list."
One victim wrote, "He is responsible for saving my life.
And yet, despite the praise and support of many people whose lives have been touched by this dedicated detective, he's been demoted and transferred to patrol, for a misjudgment that would normally be punished by " verbal or written reprimand and a maximum of three days unpaid suspension".
What could possibly be so terrible as to motivate Deputy Chief Steve Anderson to remove Knapp from his position?
Detective Knapp was caught smoking in his police car. And for that, one highly respected and passionate officer is being removed from serving the very people who need his assistance most.
If you are so inclined, feel free to contact the Nashville Police Department, and ask them to reconsider this error in judgment by D.C. Anderson. Their contact information (and even a sweet contact form) can be found here.