Kenneth John Freeman, a former fugitive whose case aired on America's Most Wanted, has plead guilty to "production of child pornography and interstate transportation of a minor for the purpose of unlawful sexual activity".
Freeman had been wanted on charges that he sexually abused his daughter, video taping the abuse and then distributing it online. After being charged he fled to Hong Kong in early 2006 before moving on to China where he was eventually arrested as he re-entered Hong Kong, and extradited to the United States.
The abuse occurred in 2000, when the girl was 10. His daughter, now 19, first told her mother about the abuse in November 2005. In federal court Wednesday, Freeman pleaded guilty to producing child pornography in Washington, and to producing child pornography and having unlawful sexual activity with a minor in Oregon. The Oregon charges stem from incidents where Freeman took his daughter to the Portland area. Several other charges were dropped.While in custody, rather than showing any signs of humanity- he wrote a four page autobiography in which he confessed to many of his crimes. Full story. AMW page.