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America' Most Wanted

This Saturday, America's Most Wanted will be airing the following cases:

Jesus “Chuy” Canales: Family members tell AMW that Lucy Preciado was tired of her lazy husband fighting and mistreating their children, and that she was moving out of their home. But he refused to let her go, and cops say he impaled her with a sword right in front of their kids. Investigators believe their suspect may have fled as far as El Salvador and they need your help in tracking him down.

Jeremy Dunn: America's Most Wanted has worked to solve some of the coldest cases in America, but one murder investigation would lead cops to seven other unsolved slayings. Right now, watch this week's five-part online series going behind the scenes with an exclusive look at the captures produced by AMW's Evan Marshall.

Edward LeBlanc: Friends and family say Kristin Miner was a shy, thoughtful and caring person who often doted on her friends' children. In 2007, Kristin had fallen on tough times when she made a new friend, a man named Edward LeBlanc. However, when Kristin turned up dead, authorities traced the clues to back to LeBlanc, who is now the prime suspect in her murder.

Martin Gonzalez: On an Autumn morning in 2008, a barrage of bullets rang out in a Holbrook, Ariz. mobile home. Cops say the assailant killed one, injured three others and is hiding out somewhere in the American Southwest.

Rickey Robbins: Police in South Bend, Indiana tell AMW that a man who looks like Rickey Allen Robbins is actually not the serial sex offender. Multiple times in the last few weeks, authorities say that someone resembling Robbins has been spotted at the Indiana University South Bend Campus -- first in a parking garage and then in an administration building. Now, the manhunt for the serial sex offender continues and authorities believe he could be somewhere on the West Coast.

Juan Acevedo: Authorities in Arizona are on the lookout for Juan Salvador Acevedo, a man who they say broke into a Phoenix townhouse and attempted to molest two young siblings. Acevedo's rap sheet also includes an arrest for peeping at another young girl and cops believe he could be continuing his antics.

Jeffrey Marshall: When the short courtship of Elizabeth "Lynne" Waterson and Jeffrey Marshall ended, the ambitious, beautiful Lynne continued to deflect Marshall's unwanted advances. For months, cops say an obsessed Marshall stalked his former girlfriend and refused to take no for an answer until one day in April 2007, when he took his twisted infatuation to a deadly breaking point.

Sandra Cantu: To those who know her, 8-year-old Sandra Cantu is the epitome of the friendly, personable girl next door, but friends and family members hope that someone didn't take advantage of the second grader's trusting nature. Cops in Tracy, Calif. say Sandra went missing on March 28, 2009 and now the FBI has joined the effort to find her.

Carvell Baker Killer: Cops in West Los Angeles are trying to piece together a murder mystery involving a homeless man and the man who shot him in cold blood. Luckily, authorities were able to get surveillance video of the murderer before and after the incident, and they hope that the public can help identify a killer.

And don't forget, you can check out their website for updates and other cases at


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