After failing to convince the court that the blame for his acts of molestation against two children laid with the allegation that he had been molested as a child himself, Timothy Burke was sentenced to 30 years to Life in prison.
I've never believed the notion that a child who is molested is destined to grow up to be a molester himself, rather I believe it's rarely anything more than an attempt to continue to shift the blame to someone else. In fact, the very idea that Burke first refused a plea offer hoping to sway the court into believing he was "innocent" of these crimes only proves the fact that once again, we have a sexual deviant attempting to sweep away any responsibility he actually has for his actions.
But it's not just his willingness to overlook the gravity of his actions that is disgusting- this thing actually had supporters in the court with him, willing to brush away the serious nature of his actions and pretend that a new found belief in God should redeem him.
It is very difficult for me to explain what happened,” the 37-year-old Shelby man told the court. “The potential was created the first time I was molested.
“I have no better explanation for my sudden rash of behaviors. I behaved as that child, exploring the forbidden and unknown.”
Burke was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for 16 sex-related counts involving children. Burke molested a boy and a girl, both younger than 10, and videotaped a naked preteen girl between Sept. 4 and Dec. 3.
Last month, Burke rejected a plea bargain in which he would cop to five counts in exchange for a recommended sentence of 30 years to life. He instead pleaded guilty to all counts and took a chance he would get a lesser sentence. He could have received a minimum of 15 to life and a maximum of 88 to life.
I've never believed the notion that a child who is molested is destined to grow up to be a molester himself, rather I believe it's rarely anything more than an attempt to continue to shift the blame to someone else. In fact, the very idea that Burke first refused a plea offer hoping to sway the court into believing he was "innocent" of these crimes only proves the fact that once again, we have a sexual deviant attempting to sweep away any responsibility he actually has for his actions.
But it's not just his willingness to overlook the gravity of his actions that is disgusting- this thing actually had supporters in the court with him, willing to brush away the serious nature of his actions and pretend that a new found belief in God should redeem him.